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18-03-2021, 09:20 AM   #1

Thursday daily.

Good morning everyone.
it's nearly 9pm Thursday evening here after a warmish day , and going to be the same tomorrow. Not been too hot ,thankfully.Another day of not doing much, but I bought some blueberry honey online. Haven't tried that flavour before ,but really fancied some honey. it should arrive tomorrow on the overnight courier.Went for a walk this afternoon, down to the river and back, but my BP is still high as I can hear it in my ears, so didn't go too far. As i was walking home ,i stopped off at a garage sale and bought a gorgeous artificial plant in a concrete planter. It wasn't heavy as it's only small and it's brand new. It's foliage kinda hangs down over the side of the pot. i think it's called Baby Tears. Anyway, I've put it on the window ledge in the bathroom and it looks super. Mince for tea tonight with kumara, silverbeet, baby carrots and broad beans, followed by blueberries and natural yoghurt.I'm getting really into blueberries here.Can't wait to try that honey.

YOLA,I didn't know you had a bird phobia, but you're certainly doing a good job feeding all those wild birds in the garden What a good idea to fill half coconuts with fat. I bet they all love it.

SHELLEY, I'm so pleased that everything was OK at the doctor's yesterday.I'm also sure that your fast pulse was caused by your being nervous. It's horrid having to wait to see the doctor. i always get really nervous too.

PAMELA, I hope everything is going well for you and you're able to find the time to fit in a run. You'll certainly be waiting for your running club to open up again. Not long now. I was talking to my wee grandson, Oren, earlier tonight, and he was asking if you are still racing your cars.I guess you don't have much time to do it at the moment ,with all the restrictions.

KAZZ, hope you and Gert are all well. Have you been working at the covid centre this week ? You are very brave to work there, I think. I hope you're still enjoying the Genghis Khan book as well.

Well, off to watch a bit of TV now

Hope everyone has a great Thursday. Gosh, I can't believe this week has gone so fast.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

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18-03-2021, 10:07 AM   #2

Re: Thursday daily.

Morning everyone,
Work this morning with a zoom session scheduled, a dog walk this afternoon and the 4 hours training on zoom tonight, safeguarding with a makaton approach.
Yola you are very kind feeding the birds if you have a phobia. I guess you wouldn't want to feed by Hand then like sometimes manage.
Pamela, hope you're getting plenty of running in?
Dinky, what a lucky find the babies tears plant was.
Kazz, hope you're work at the covid centre is going well.

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18-03-2021, 04:31 PM   #3

Re: Thursday daily.

Afternoon all. Quick visit to say hello. Nothing much to report today, trying to get through as much as I can as tomorrow I have a day's holiday and I really do plan to switch the laptop off for once. Weather isn't looking too bad so will do my best to get out and either walk or cycle.

Dinky - the bird phobia was from childhood when a pigeon had it's tail caught under a car tyre. Pidge was fine, but feathers flew everywhere. As I was about 3 or 4 at the time and stood waiting to cross the road with my Mum, they went all over me. When younger the phobia used to extend to all types of flower petals and also butterflies.

As a kid, I knew exactly where every feather was between home and shops and home and school and would cross the road each time to avoid them. And if I knew there was a dead bird and scattered feathers I would avoid whole roads.

My sons grew up knowing that they should gently usher pigeons out of my way when walking through town "DON'T MAKE THEM FLY" was the mantra.

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18-03-2021, 09:14 PM   #4

Re: Thursday daily.

Evening everyone.

Been a busy day today. The buyer came and picked the car up. Its a relief to see it gone but also sad to see it go but at least it will get used instead of sitting in my garage.

My dad got his first covid vaccination yesterday so that is a relief to know he at least has some protection now.

Dinky sounds like you have had a busy day as well. Ive never heard of blueberry honey will need to have a look into that as it would be something my dad would like!!

Shelley i hope your training goes well and you enjoy it. How was your zoom call today?

Yola, you do well being able to feed the birds with having a phobia of them. My sister in law actually has a phobia of birds as well. We took rescue chickens from her friends house to OH's mums house in a box in our car and she came with us and she was terrified the whole way!! She wouldnt go near them and hates birds outside as well.

Kazz, i hope all is good with you and gert
Have a lovely evening everyone

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