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17-03-2021, 08:46 AM   #1

Pleasant Wednesday

Good morning everyone.
We seem to be getting through the week quickly. i walked down to the medical centre and had my blood tests this morning, then went to the local supermarket and bought a few more Easter eggs.Janna and i don't eat chocolate but i like carob, so got a couple of wee carob eggs just for me.Then went to get a bit of meat and got some nice packs of satay chicken. Watched the last race of the America's Cup and was pleased that NZ has won the cup, but the Italians certainly put up a good fight

Dickens and Frederick have been fighting like demons all day. There's white fur all over the carpet in the lounge and they're getting harder to separate. Freddie and Miracle really hate poor Dickens and make his life really miserable. Dickens comes to bed with me every night now, although Janna locks him away after midnight because Snoddy hates him being on "his "bed. Poor Dickens.I always make a big fuss of him anyway. Honestly, I've never met such dreadful cats !!!

PAMELA,I'm glad you've managed to get out for a run.Sorry, i thought your running club reopened this week, but at least the 5th April isn't too far away.And I'm thrilled that your restrictions are beginning to ease a bit. You'll be back to normal in no time now.

SHELLEY,hope your Bible Study is going well for you. What a pity that the swan family has left now, but I suppose that's only natural.At least they had a safe place to rear their babies and one day ,you may see them there again with some new little ones. And what a pity the other two swans don't have some little ones. Still, they are beautiful creatures to watch.

We still have two magpies that come to our garden every day. I presume these are mum and dad . Their babies don't come now so i suppose they have now left the nest and flown off.They are such beautiful birds and are becoming very tame, especially with Janna, who seems to be a bit of a bird whisperer.

My doctor rang me tonight with the results of my blood tests Seems that my sodium levels are now within the normal range again, so she has put me back on another BP med. I'm to have another blood test next week and a BP check. I hope my BP has gone down a bit by then

YOLA and KAZZ, hope you are both doing well and hopefully enjoying some warmer weather now.

Well everyone, have a great Wednesday and stay safe and warm.

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17-03-2021, 10:13 AM   #2

Re: Pleasant Wednesday

Morning Dinky - good news about the BP. Mine is higher than it should be as I like my food and wine too much, but with a couple of tablets a day it seems stable at the moment.

I've been feeding the garden birds since autumn - never really bothered before as my neighbour did it but she moved and the birds were all just sat around looking sad and hungry. I have a feeder station where I have fat balls and a multi seed holder and I hang half coconuts filled with fat over the top. I also throw bread out daily. So far we've had 100s of sparrows which sit in the hedge and chatter and occasionally argue, blackbirds, blue tits, great tits, pied wagtails, a wren, and then visits to the shed roof for the bread include pigeons, doves, magpies, crows and a pair of jays - which are stunning. And I have a bird phobia. Go figure

As well as being St Partrick's day today, it's also the feastday or St Gertrude. She is the patron saint of cats. Kazz - don't tell Gert

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17-03-2021, 11:04 AM   #3

Re: Pleasant Wednesday

Happy St Gertrude day everyone.
Just sat outside Dr's for my health monitoring app with the nurse.
Feeling nervous as this is what kicked off all my problems at the end of 2019.
You can only go in the surgery at the very last minute.

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17-03-2021, 05:48 PM   #4

Re: Pleasant Wednesday

All OK at docs except my pulse was up a bit, got to monitor for a week.
Telephone appointment to follow up in April.

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17-03-2021, 10:20 PM   #5

Re: Pleasant Wednesday

That’s good news Shelley. The increased pulse rate could have just been because you were anxious.

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