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24-02-2021, 04:56 AM   #1

Another hot Wednesday

Hi everyone.
Wednesday afternoon here and it's 32 degrees out there. Was 31 yesterday. Thanks for your kind thoughts, all of you. I'm still not the best at all, but my heart rate has settled down a little today and my blood pressure is normal again, although I have been put on blood pressure meds. to bring it down Still waiting on the specialist to get back to me re. appointment. I guess they are very busy. My whole back aches like crazy now, both sides, but that could be because I've just been sitting or lying in bed most of the time, and food still makes me feel sick. but am now managing to keep little bits down Gosh, I am a real basket case,arent I ? Anyway, I'll let you know when I hear from the hospital.

PAMELA, not sure if you are still off work, but if so, I hope the weather is good for you.I'm so pleased that Mia's paw is healing nicely and the vet has signed you off.I suppose you now have all your glossing and painting finished and your mat order completed.Hope your dad is doing well too.

SHELLEY, sorry I didn't realise you were concerned about a lump on Malaika. Thank goodness all is well there too.Lumps are always a worry, aren't they .Gosh, you have been really involved in doll selling/buying over the last week.Sorry that you're still waiting to get the custom dues on the Amsterdam doll. Hopefully you will have heard something by now. I agree, it is a crazy system. I ,too, would love to see that unusual doll you have. It's a shame it's impossible to send pictures. I'm sure the doll is beautiful.

KAZZ, I'm glad your jab went well. Hopefully your arm is no longer achy.I do think you should go back and buy that plant if you like it. Hopefully you already have it installed.

YOLA, glad to see that you have a bit of nice weather for a change.I know what you mean about enjoying the solitude of lock downs with less people and cars on the road. It will be good, though ,when your one finishes, as it has gone on for a long time.Hope driving lessons are going smoothly and your son is now out on the road.

Well everyone,I'm off to try and move around a bit

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday. I hear it's going to rain here tomorrow, thank goodness. Can't wait.

Stay safe and warm.

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24-02-2021, 11:49 AM   #2

Re: Another hot Wednesday

Morning friends,
Posted once but it disappeared.
Rainy day here but exciting for me as I'm shopping virtually in Amsterdam for vintage dolls etc whilst watching a live auction in Leyland.
I have won a 1960 troll giraffe, lol.
Dinky, glad your heart rate has settled and your blood pressure has come down.
Kazz, I wonder if you will buy the acer.
Yola, I enjoyed the lack of traffic during the first lock down too.
Pamela, have you finished the decorating yet?

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26-02-2021, 02:00 AM   #3

Re: Another hot Wednesday

Hello all I posted too but it disappeared maybe Eileen did not like the fact I posted saying "have not got the tree...." yet. Going back Monday. If its there it fate if not it not meant to be actually worrying how I get it in the car. Catch up tomorrow all., Goodnight just back in from work.

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