Jaw pain
I'm wondering if anyone has had this before....I'm looking for some advice
3 months ago I started getting pain around my ear. shooting pain above it and then pain under my ear (not exactly in it but in that area) then this developed to a goosebumpy feeling across the side of my head. I then got a clicky jaw all on the same side.
Well the pain has got really uncomfortable. not severe but annoying, dull ache and not lasting long but is frequent and has woke me up.
Its across my ear, the side of my head, my jaw and teeth and now going doing my neck and generally feels like my skin is crawling ( like a flush of goose bumps) with pain under my ear and like I'm leaning on something. But doesnt come associated with anything (such as chewing).
I have been the doctors who looked in my ears and has said its not an infection, probably related to my jaw and I have to go the dentist.
The thing is I dont really want to pay for a 'check up' to be told take ibrufen and rest it. just wondering what it could be, why its causing so much discomfort and any solutions
if anyone has experienced this.