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Catsey Junior
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17-05-2011, 10:57 AM   #1

I know its naughty.

But I might be getting a kitten.

Its been ages since I've had one, and its not the cat who I was left with to give birth (who has had three btw) but someone else, I saw on fb that she was struggling to find homes for them, and I spoke to her and she has two males, that are under two weeks, both look like they have long hair and pink noses, I should be going round to look at them soon, although I'm not sure how close I'll get, but for now it seems that in time I will be adding another to my brood. I did say at one point that I'd never get a cat unless it came from a rescue or a breeder (good), but a rescue would never consider me, and I was wanting a norweigan, BSH or a raggie if I went to a breeder, but it seems like it might be a little black one that I have, the good thing is that he will come from a house with dogs, and other pets so will be use to them, but tbh I'm still not 100% sure if I will say 100% yes to this putty cat, but I do miss having one around, I use to have five of them, but this one will be a flat cat, and I've never had one of them before, so I'm gonna have to go out and buy loads of toys for him

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Catsey Senior
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17-05-2011, 04:11 PM   #2

Re: I know its naughty.

Oh cute! I have 5 adults. Oldest being 4 and youngest being 1. I miss having a kitten sometimes I keep looking at the kittens that are about and there are some ragdolls avalable at the moment but I am trying to control myself and not get one.

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18-05-2011, 10:38 AM   #3

Re: I know its naughty.

Originally Posted by chaz
But I might be getting a kitten.
And he'll be one very lucky kitten if you do.

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Catsey Junior
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19-05-2011, 09:46 AM   #4

Re: I know its naughty.

Originally Posted by Velvet.Tears
Oh cute! I have 5 adults. Oldest being 4 and youngest being 1. I miss having a kitten sometimes I keep looking at the kittens that are about and there are some ragdolls avalable at the moment but I am trying to control myself and not get one.
I know someone who used to help with the UKRCC but from what I know their not going at the moment but she had some lush cats, I had a raggie at one point, but it was decided to rehome him, as we got him from a 'breeder' whose it was apparently her mothers who had cancer, but when we got there we went into the back garden and could hear loads of dogs there, but the shed the dogs were in was shut up quickly so we couldn't see them, Rags came running in fright trying to get past us and was grabbed by the person who also had a red birman who wasn't hers he was under weight, had mites everything, and I had to bath him daily and he had to have a special food aswell, but while we had all the rest he kept trying to eat theres and then had severe diarrohea or he would get out and would catch birds (I've never seen a proper hunting raggie before ) and would again get tummy upsets and lost all his weight, the cat hated me as I was the one that bathed him with some special shampoo to help him, but I've never met such a special cat, luckily I know he's allright, but I'd love another one , but I think living in the flat that I do I really don't think that many places would home to me which is a shame.

Originally Posted by Hreow
And he'll be one very lucky kitten if you do.
Thank you, got to say I'm already planning things for him, I've got a scratching post and a litter tray, but I'm thinking of using a indoor rabbit cage for him for a while to put his food and litter tray in there (its four foot) so that the dogs can't eat anything from either source, although it would save me tidying up I'm also wondering whether while he's very little whether it will be safer to make that his place so I know where he is when I'm out until he gets a bit bigger, but I'm also hoping that the area will be a safe place for him, as the dogs wont be allowed to go there, but somewhere for him to go when he's feeling a bit overwelmed. Plus I'm gonna give the mothers owner something like a blanket while he's there too to put in there and see if that helps him settle in. Oh and he's also got a name already, Bagheera, oringinal I know, but what can you say .

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Catsey Senior
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19-05-2011, 12:17 PM   #5

Re: I know its naughty.

I live in a 2 bed flat and I have 5 cats and 7 rabbits. I got all my cats as kittens from breeders apart from my grey burmese who was a stray on the street and he was mistreated, he had been left for months without vet treatment. He must have been hit by a car and he can't use one of his front paws now. And he must have been abused because he flinches if you raise a hand where as the others don't.

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19-05-2011, 05:34 PM   #6

Re: I know its naughty.

Originally Posted by chaz

Thank you, got to say I'm already planning things for him, I've got a scratching post and a litter tray, but I'm thinking of using a indoor rabbit cage for him for a while to put his food and litter tray in there (its four foot) so that the dogs can't eat anything from either source, although it would save me tidying up I'm also wondering whether while he's very little whether it will be safer to make that his place so I know where he is when I'm out until he gets a bit bigger, but I'm also hoping that the area will be a safe place for him, as the dogs wont be allowed to go there, but somewhere for him to go when he's feeling a bit overwelmed. Plus I'm gonna give the mothers owner something like a blanket while he's there too to put in there and see if that helps him settle in. Oh and he's also got a name already, Bagheera, oringinal I know, but what can you say .

I think you might have a problem with his food and his loo that close together (though cats at a show manage with that sort of space) but I do agree that it is a good idea to keep the dogs from both. Are the rabbit-cage walls wire and does it lack legs? Not a problem if the whole thing goes on a table or somesuch so the dogs can't loom right next to the litter tray or food.
Can you get a second-hand baby-gate from Freecycle or parents past that stage of their child's life and put it somewhere so that the kitten can escape through it and the dogs stay on the other side? Around a table, perhaps?
Closed litter-tray or the tray in a large (cardboard - with books or bricks to keep it solidly in place) box with a hole just big enough for the kitten but too small for the dogs?
My breeders had a closet with a cat-flap in the door so that their cats could retire for some privacy (though those dogs were thoroughly cowed by generations of cats and would probably have appreciated something like that themselves ).
Can you supply some sort of upness for the food? Even though a kitten, he should be able to climb/jump much better than the dogs. Bookshelf? Table? Cat's like up, unless they are truly terrified (when you will find them squooze into the tiniest possible space and usually floor-level).
Quite possibly worry-warting here...

Bagheera is an excellent choice of name.

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Catsey Junior
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17-06-2011, 11:35 AM   #7

Re: I know its naughty.

Unfornatly I've had to decide agaisn't this one, after umming and arring, and having been put off seeing it for a while I've decided that after seeing it, it would be better not to get him I thought that he would be great, I knew they had animals, and thought that it will do the kitten well, as I thought that he would be well socialised, but it seems that he's not been let out of the bedroom, and was shaking with fear, and was not happy at all to see anyone new, the people have other cats which is fine, but they haven't got any of them vaccinated, which tbh I would want if getting a kitten from someone, espcailly as one I've now been told has disapeared for weeks at a time, ex feral tom cat, comes and goes as he wants, the person is just not who I thought, she describes herself as a animal lover, but I'm now wondering whether she is a hoarder, I had been to the front door, and in the back garden before, and had spoken to her a lot, but never knew the true extent as to whats in the house, I mean she has 13 cats (not including the kittens), two dogs, another on the way, fish, terripins, rabbits, and other pets, and after looking around at the animals, they are not kept in conditions that I would like, and after talking to neighbours I've also discovered that the RSPCA have been called on her for her pets before, so something that sounded too good to be true unfornatly is, and I would like a cat or kitten, but I can't see myself getting one from there, as with 13 cats (some of which are outdoors, some indoors, none neutered) I wouldn't like to know what the outdoor ones could be bringing in, which could be fine for the other adults, but the kittens I don't know, and I would be worrying that I could be getting a animal that has been exposed to diseases through the others (the vaccination thing has put me off a lot though, my ones use to be outdoor cats, but none of them were behind their vaccs, we did have two litters, but one cat was pregnant when she came, and escaped out of a two inch opening in a first floor window, and after that all the cats were spayed or neutered at six months old) and I don't think that I could in good consience be happy taking a kitten from there, so I might just keep the things I got and if in a few years time I'm ready to get a cat or kitten and find somewhere good to get one from will do, but now I'm in no hurry.

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17-06-2011, 04:13 PM   #8

Re: I know its naughty.

Considering the conditions you've described, I think you make a wise, the only, really, decision!

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18-06-2011, 12:36 PM   #9

Re: I know its naughty.

Heartbreaking but good call. (hug)

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Catsey Junior
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20-06-2011, 10:12 AM   #10

Re: I know its naughty.

It is heart breaking, I was getting so ready to bring him home, but at the same time there was a niggling feeling that he lives so close yet I was being put off everytime I wanted to see him, and the fact that I had already been buying him things, and then to see it when I actually get in there and see what he's like I know that I can't get him, which I am upset about, but then its better knowing now, maybe one day I'll get a cat but not yet, but when I can I'll have some toys and beds for them already.

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