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08-05-2010, 01:02 PM   #1

Speak up Saturday

Well everyone has to reply to this....we need to TALK people.

Its raining here...depressing start eh? but good news is I am inside (see silver linning)

Scar is itching like crazy good sign though.....

I am watching back to back epidodes of Extreme Makeover...Home edition (usa) and finding myself kinda enjoying it ...... I find I can watch and pick up easy now. So easy watching, and finding it uplifting the fact people help each other....soppy eh?

Anyhow not much doing here, so I await your stories of your ventures into the outside world I am living through you lot at the moment so get outside the door......

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08-05-2010, 01:25 PM   #2

Re: Speak up Saturday

I'm not going outside more than necessary today, it's raining out there!

OH is off to the library shortly with a huge pile of arty books and he'll come back with an even bigger pile probably Public libraries are wonderful things and I'm ashamed to admit that I rarely go nowadays We went every Saturday when the children were young and it really encouraged them to read, daughter had usually finished all the books she got out by the Wednesday but it took (slightly reluctant reader) son rather longer! These days I tend to buy paperbacks (crime fiction mainly) and pass them on to a charity shop when I've read them.

Today I'm testing out my new water softener (ta-rah!) by doing laundry (towels have come out really well! )

Enjoy your tv Kazz!

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08-05-2010, 01:28 PM   #3

Re: Speak up Saturday

I'm soppy for a plea for excitement - now, where to start? The eagle who wanted to rule the world with nail varnish? The story of Stoke Clump or just what Angie did this morning ....

I went to the Post Office - not the nearest one, but the one inside the Co-op at Bosham, because it has a nice little car park and I could also buy some pecan and maple syrup Danish pastries to go with coffee and get the telephone number off the notice board of a lady who wants bits of wool to knit things for MacMillan. So did those things but it started to rain on my way home. Made coffee - OH was making a lemon cheesecake after having mowed the lawn. Ate said pecan and maple Danish - which was delightful and still warm and had a good mug of strong fresh black coffee to go with it. Oh, forgot to mention I saw and bought a book called "Chichester Harbour Past and Present" too.

I am intending to pot on some chilli plants and peppers this afternoon so just before lunch I went to stand them in some water. Poor things - I may have to bring them indoors, they just aren't getting the warmth they need. It's only 8 C here today, overcast and spitting with rain. Not the good downpour we need.

I am now eating a cheese, beetroot and grainy mustard sandwich with an apple to follow and then I shall go and put my fleece on and go back out to the greenhouse. I may or may not have a furry friend accompanying me. Kizzy is usually my ally in the greenhouse.

Not very exciting Kazz, but the best I can do I'm afraid. If I go bungee-jumping or mountaineering, I'll let you know

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08-05-2010, 02:13 PM   #4

Re: Speak up Saturday

Went to the Garden Centre this morning....... how lovely they are looking at this time of the year. Bought some new chains for my hanging baskets, also some 10" terracotta pots to plant the tomato plants that my S-I-L kindly gave me a couple of days ago.

Called in Sainsbury's on the way home to get a few odd and ends.

Had a delicious cup of cappuccino to warm me up after being out in the cold after which I furminated Cassie as a result of finding a hairball on the carpet this morning
Not very exciting Kazz but something for you to read!

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08-05-2010, 03:04 PM   #5

Re: Speak up Saturday

Let's see . . . mopped up poo n pee after Balie's overnight activities Had ryvita, quark cheese, and smoked salmon for breakfast with lovely strong black coffee, washed hair and referreed boys' arguments.

Had a blinding row with Sebi who carried on his stroppy behaviour from last night (is now good as gold though).

Went into town; bought 2 for 1 electric toothbrushes, some Dr Hauschka face cleaning bits and other odds n sods in John Lewis, short sleeved school shirts for Sebi, and then to Jamie Oliver's Italian eatery for lunch.

Had cold roast veg meddly to start, followed by the most lovely, freshly ground burger with fennel seed bun. The truffle chips were yum too. The boys were fascinated by the guy behind us making pasta and then putting it into a ravioli-making machine!

Back home now and have put sprinkler on the ever-so-dry garden. It might be drizzling pathetically, but the ground and pots are bone dry. About also to whiz out to garden centre to get more netting and hoops for my brassica plantings for the allotment. Once I've finished my mint tea made with my mint leaves from the garden, that is.

That's about it Karen . . . oh, and planning to watch 1900 (epic family saga film about a century of 2 Italian families' lives) with Gerard Depardieu and Robert De Niro once the boys have gone to bed tonight.

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08-05-2010, 03:29 PM   #6

Re: Speak up Saturday

My day so far - Got up at 5.30am and wandered up to the barn in my robe hidden with my waterproof trousers and wellies and fleece jacket. Made sure the ewes and lambs were ok, fed the two orphans we have and let the working dogs out into the field for a run around - all the while yawning away like I hadn't slept for weeks. Gathered up dogs put them back in kennel and fed and watered them, cleaned out kennels.

Back in house woke up OH and went for shower. Crawled back into bed and had coffee and toast provided by OH who had left to go round the fields.

Fed Cali, got dressed, let chooks out, fed and watered them and noted I need to clean them out today as they're looking a bit messy.

Had wander round garden trying to decide what I will do today as it is lovely and warm - decided to plant out sweet peas as a start so continued to wander wondering where to plant.

Drove to next village and did a supermarket shop. Got home - OH still not back so took some eggs over the valley to neighbour. Whilst there had lovely coffee and muffin (blueberry and vanilla). Nice chat. Came home and OH had been and gone so now I'm wondering where he is - should I prepare lunch or not. Decided to feed myself. Had Pastrami on Rye bread with gherkin slices and tomato.

Naturally as soon as I sat down OH appeared. He made his own cheese and ham sandwich and a coffee for both of us.

So now OH is soaking in the bath as he had disappeared to fix a blocked drain so he is a bit wiffy. I'm having 20 mins on Catsey and then going out to garden for an hour or two.

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08-05-2010, 04:26 PM   #7

Re: Speak up Saturday

Nothing exciting here, I'm afraid, Kazz! Up at 8 am, had juice and milk for breakfast, fed Leia (minced turkey with a sprinkling of dry.) Bussed to the library and back, got my two holds, keeping a wary eye on the sky as there was a 50% chance of morning rain, but it didn't. Sunny and cool with a high wind advisory of gusts to 40 mph. Now have t worry about trees coming down on power lines!

Took pics of the new plant, Jacobean lily which is in bloom; will upload while I'm having lunch in a few minutes. That will be a small cup of miso soup, a pear, some boursin cheese on wheat thin crackers and a chocolate Ensure adult nutritional drink. After lunch will read the paper and do the crossword. Then back on Catsey and OFF for a bit.

Are you bored with my day yet? I do not lead an exciting life!

Have a good day, all.

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08-05-2010, 04:29 PM   #8

Re: Speak up Saturday

Got a long lie to 9am - sometime the |Clan can be good - today was our 4 youngest fromer ferals first big "day" in the outside world - they all made it outside and had a whale of a time with the older cats - this lot took a lot of time and effort to get 4 nearly wonderful kittens - and all came back in to the call of come on Oodie Doodies and all are outcold on our bed!

Elaine is responsible for us having Aztec and maya 2 tabby ferals who did the wall of death in the bathroom on arrival in October 2009 and Jet and Turbo were dumped in a box with nasty and evil in big letters on it so they are here now to - all took a lot of work and having other cats around has helped they move like a pack bless them and are such a joy to have

We have been to the Tip and Tesco's, OH currently playing football with our Border collies Sky and Sunny as its dry and sunny but cool here today

This evening is Doctor Who and possibly Avatar DVD then bed as OH is working tomorrow so its me and the cats and dogs and Sunday papers

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08-05-2010, 04:33 PM   #9

Re: Speak up Saturday

Been awake on and off since 4am today (see behaviour thread) because of a certain Sir Wowalot

Worked this morning, just deciding what to do this afternoon (what's left of it)

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08-05-2010, 05:49 PM   #10

Re: Speak up Saturday

Hiya all.

Milly has broken the keyboard of my pc, using G's laptop which is very slow.....

Currently looking after two whippets this weekend, although one simply wont come out from under the bed. Any tips welcome. Losinng all my patients with parrot woman, she is driving me fxxxxxg nuts. If there is a hard way and an easy way, she will go out of her way to make things as hard or as awkward as possible.

Better get going, got rabbits to feed, then back to the whippets. Home again tomorrow, hopefully G will have fixed my keyboard.


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