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11-06-2013, 01:51 PM   #1

Tuesday twitters

Hi folks!

Another day of full on activity for me. Glad to have a bit of rain on the garden today, saves me a job, but my gazebo is getting wet lets hope the wind stays calm.

Posh is feeling much better on the Metacam and her appetite has improved. All the fur babes are staying in today, the constant drizzle is not good for their bones I guess.

On with the ironing then, after I watch Doctors

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11-06-2013, 02:10 PM   #2

Re: Tuesday twitters

Morning P.P and everyone I thought I had posted but obviously not this was the general gist of it... Work tonight had a brilliant birthday yesterday I had workmen here fitting new worktops sink taps and Bella was perfection no issue.
As it was my birthday today and family/ children/ friends/neighbours all calling in bringing presents/ flowers/ balloons/cake everywhere then popped to the pub and took Bella and she was star of the show. Just like she has always lived here.
Anyhow birthday cake still to divide, took Dad to the hearing aid centre at 11.30 just a general lack of hearing due to age....so a hearing aid with a amplifier not sure it will work however without it he has no hearing so better than nothing.
Just having a Cornish pastie not had one for years then Bella to take out then a sit down before work.

P.P. Sounds like a busy day; glad Posh is feeling better drizzle here too. Have a good day all.

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11-06-2013, 02:17 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday twitters

Opps meant to say never really been a convert to dog training classes (hides from Angie lobbing things at me) but thinking of attending with Bella build a bond and get her a bit of interaction see how she reacts to things in a safe "environment" a chap I work with goes to one class with his Labrador and they do a lot or rescue and rescue dogs so will be more "used to it"

Angie try a kong for the pup I would suggest a red one hard wearing but not so tough as black which she may loose interest in. I would go have a look lots of sizes you want one she has to chew at. They bounce well too as they are a weird shape so very much a thinking toy...and you can put treats in never really done that much myself. May well get Bella one but she is not a tough chewer she has footballs
though punctured still in one piece.

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11-06-2013, 02:29 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday twitters

Hi PP and Kazz - mizzly rain here too.

I wonder if I feel a wee bit better? My cough has loosened up so it's not so painful to cough now and my head seems only half blocked!!! I am not going to training with Dora tonight though, not really fit enough to drive and then run about (not that I usually do much running about).

Kazz, I think it's a good idea to take Bella to a class, although as you say she was good with all your family popping in and out it seems that she is fine with people. Do you have any idea how she is with other dogs? I think a class is just the thing, if it's the right sort of class and you get on with the person running it. You could have loads of FUN!

I have recently bought a red Kong bone for Dora that you can put treats in if wanted. She doesn't seem all that interested and actually pays more attention to her ordinary bones or stag bar. Must try the ball, she seems to like the 2nd hand tennis balls OH bought for her, but they don't last that long. Like Bella, she's been carrying around a half destroyed tennis ball and going to sleep with it in her mouth!

PP, I'm glad that Posh is feeling better and eating. My two are indoors too, curled up on their cushions in the cat room, keeping comfy.

Dora did a wee in the sitting room ..... not sure why she didn't ask to go out. I think the dogs (and OH's mum) always knew when the master was out and like to cause me problems.

Hope everyone has a good day.

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11-06-2013, 02:42 PM   #5

Re: Tuesday twitters

afternoon all.
Been rainy but the sun appears to be coming out now
Had a routine mammogram this morning so feeling a little squashed,lol.
We went to Preston car boot afterwards and i had several lucky finds, i have plenty of dolls to work on now so that will keep me out of mischief
PP, glad that Posh is feeling better, i must have missed something somewhere as i didn't know she wasn't well.
Karen, glad you are enjoying you're birthday and that Bella is settling well.
Angie i hope you are right and you are feeling better.

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