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Jac Jac is offline
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: Raggie and BSH
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Edinburgh
Posts: 11,575
05-05-2007, 10:22 AM   #1

Another Blue Badge grumble

Picking up on a point Sarah made. Has anyone with a badge got a parking ticket? Ive had three in 7 years.

1st time. I was parked in a bay where you pay but if you hold a badge and its displayed you dont pay. I put my badge up on the dashboard and went about what I was doing. When I came back to the car I had a ticket. Why because my badge was upside down!!!! I fought the ticket and wone.

2nd time. Ceilidh had got out the car and ran off. She was about four at the time. I panicked and went after her. Forgot to dispaly my ticket, when I went back to the car another parking ticket. Only IF the wwarden had looked at my tax disc it says disabled and tax paid! Fought that one and wone.

3rd time. I lost a badge down the front of the dashboard (comon in a zifira, seems there's a space) so I put my badge on the sun visor with it flipped down. Clearly showing my badge. When I came back another ticket. Reason for it NO badge. Yet in the photo they take you could see it on the sun visor. Wone that one too.

It seem's to me that if you have a badge the traffic wardens just love to find fault and issue tickets willy nilly.
I have yet to see someone without a blue badge parked in a disabled bay with a parking ticket

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