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29-12-2008, 07:47 AM   #1


How was your trip? Been thinking about you x

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29-12-2008, 10:21 AM   #2

Re: Tink

i was just thinking about updating
so we left at eight am (which is good because about twenty minutes later pipes burst at my OH's work and i guess they were trying to call him in for a fourteen hour repair..but we were gone already so oh well! he has covered every emergency for the last year with no time off and they don't pay him to be on call so i really could care less they had to do without him).
anyhow, it took us about four hours to get there. there was snow and ice on the way out of town but once we hit the freeway it turned into pouring rain. it definitely wasn't scenic but it worked out. but when we got into my parents street the thing hadn't been plowed for weeks and our big truck (which does have four wheel drive) was dancing all around the road and scaring me silly. we pulled into the driveway with much difficulty to find my father and grandpa trying to shovel my father's truck out because he got stuck in his own driveway! we had to trek through snow up to my thigh to get to the house but then we finally arrived and all was well.
was great to see my parents..i helped mother with cooking and chit chatted till we had the food prepared as my mother was running behind schedule. had a great dinner with one of my filipino favorites: lumpia (it's like an eggroll but wayyy better IMO). missed mom's home cooking more than i realized.
i got some really great gifts. a HUGE bag of cat toys, treats, foods for various animals, even a sweater for my hyperthyroid kitty. and then TONS of fabric and a SEWING MACHINE (woo hoo!). it is passed down from my aunt which i actually like better than a brand new one without any history. there were tons of little knicknacks and my mom even made us our own personal rum cake to take home with us.
after guests left it was about 5:30pm and OH and i were running on three hours sleep and getting very tired. decided it'd be wise to take a nap in the guest room but i was too anxious about the drive home to sleep. my OH however was snoring away until 6:45
i spent the time visiting with my mom and catching up and seeing all the beautiful ceramics she makes and paints and cuddling with her dogs.
at about seven we whipped up some coffee for the drive back then chatted some more till it grew to be 7:45pm and we finally succumbed to the trek back as i was starting to worry about my furbabies.
pouring rain on the way home but no snow (we were watching the temperature like mad on the display to prepare ourselves). three and a half hours later we were pulling onto our slushy rainy/snowy street with exhaustion. (it was still difficult to pull into our driveway however because it is still covered in snow)
we were so tired we just left everything in the truck for about an hour before we even went back to retrieve it.
my ferrets were to be found peacefully sleeping in their hammock and kuan yin seemed happy as well...but then where was hestia? we searched and searched and heard meowing but couldn't find it...then we both looked at each other and lunged to pull the dresser drawer out! SHE'D BEEN IN THERE THE WHOLE TIME i guess during the mad dash we were both opening and closing it and at some point she jumped in without us noticing. i felt *so bad*. but she calmly just got up, ate, used the litter box, then rolled all over the bed showing us her belly so i suppose she's alright!
the ferrets became very hyper and i fell asleep on their bed watching them play (which gave me a bad back this morning). i felt so guilty i wanted them out of that cage though so it was worth it. i just didn't want them to be unsupervised. they left me lots of potty accidents to clean when i woke this morning in places i didn't even know you could poop so that was fun
anyhow, i'm glad i went. there were points where it was stressful and scary but then really good points and i felt good that we made the trip because it is so rare i see my family . but i will say..
i'm not doing it again anytime soon
spent today recovering and being very lazy, eating cookies, and avoiding the dishes

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29-12-2008, 10:33 AM   #3

Re: Tink

So glad that you enjoyed your time with your folks, Tink. It sounds like nightmare journeys both ways, but could have been worse.

And you have a sewing machine! There will be no stopping you now. Good news that.

Glad all your furrbabes are OK. Great story about Hestia in the drawer. What a good girl she'd been to keep calm and await your return.

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29-12-2008, 10:40 AM   #4

Re: Tink

Tink, that is SUCH excellent news about the sewing machine . . .there'll be no stopping you now I look forward to seeing the resulting creations!

However it looks a though you overcame many of your own personal demons and fears to make this trip and I am delighted that it was a success.

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29-12-2008, 10:57 AM   #5

Re: Tink

Originally Posted by yola

However it looks a though you overcame many of your own personal demons and fears to make this trip and I am delighted that it was a success.

you hit the nail right on the head!
my biggest fear was trying to conquer those demons and a disastrous result proving my fear to be right. luckily it was a happy ending for all and i'm proud of myself for pushing that boundary out of my comfort zone instead of not going at all.
i was white knuckling it at a few points though !!!

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29-12-2008, 10:58 AM   #6

Re: Tink

Pleased to hear you had a good trip Tink, will expect to see all the new beds for your furbabies now you have a sewing machine...

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29-12-2008, 11:47 AM   #7

Re: Tink

Glad your day went so well. It is always good to push yourself that little bit even if just to prove you can do it and it will be ok.

Wow - imagine getting the longed for sewing machine. Maybe that can be the start of your plans, also give you a chance to try out your designs with a machine rather than by hand. Great you got loads of fabric too.

The snow at your parents sounds a nightmare - really deep. We get deep snow here up on the hill and very deep where it drifts, but nothing to compare to what you describe.

What type of ceramics does your mum make and paint?

So all in all a great but tiring day - probably hit you tomorrow and you'll sleep all day. Really pleased it went well for you.

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29-12-2008, 11:54 AM   #8

Re: Tink

Originally Posted by calismum
Glad your day went so well. It is always good to push yourself that little bit even if just to prove you can do it and it will be ok.

Wow - imagine getting the longed for sewing machine. Maybe that can be the start of your plans, also give you a chance to try out your designs with a machine rather than by hand. Great you got loads of fabric too.

The snow at your parents sounds a nightmare - really deep. We get deep snow here up on the hill and very deep where it drifts, but nothing to compare to what you describe.

What type of ceramics does your mum make and paint?

So all in all a great but tiring day - probably hit you tomorrow and you'll sleep all day. Really pleased it went well for you.

Thanks, now if only I knew how to thread the darn thing, LOL! it will take some major getting used to in order to utilize the machine but once i sit and stare at it for awhile and test on some fabric i'm sure it'll all click into place in my head now to figure out a proper place to sit and where to use it..will prob play with that tomorrow.
Oh, and my mom makes many things...from plates/bowls/mugs to incense holders, sake drinking kits, the little doo-dadds to rest your teabag on, etc. etc..

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29-12-2008, 11:59 AM   #9

Re: Tink

Originally Posted by Tink
Thanks, now if only I knew how to thread the darn thing, LOL! it will take some major getting used to in order to utilize the machine but once i sit and stare at it for awhile and test on some fabric i'm sure it'll all click into place in my head now to figure out a proper place to sit and where to use it..will prob play with that tomorrow.
Oh, and my mom makes many things...from plates/bowls/mugs to incense holders, sake drinking kits, the little doo-dadds to rest your teabag on, etc. etc..
Maybe try a google for a manual or something for it. I know that the Singer company have all their manuals on line from way back, most are free.

Your mums ceramics sound lovely.

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29-12-2008, 01:25 PM   #10

Re: Tink

So glad you enjoyed your trip to your Mum's, Tink - the day out probably did you the world of good too.

You'll be in your element now what with a sewing machine and loads of fabric
Looking forward to seeing some more of your creations soon..

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