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30-01-2011, 11:56 PM   #41

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Thankyou both for the replies. Im going to take a long hot shower and try to have a good think about it, sleep on it and see how i feel in the morning. But i agree, if i decide i want to try and get him i will ask to speak with the lady that i saw first and explain my feelings to her calmly and see if i can work something out with her. And yes if we get him i shall definately be bringing him to our usual vets for everything he needs. The only reason i brought him to this one is because they are the local vets and i figured the first place an owner would ring would be the vets closest to us. The vets we usually use are a fair bit out, im pretty sure we are the only ones in our area that go there But we go there for a reason and i think if we had brought him there we wouldnt be having this problem at all now, especially as they know us. As i said though, everything we done we done for the right reasons, its just a shame that its turning out this way. I shall certainly be staying well away from there in future-as i already was anyway!

And thankyou Tink for putting my mind at ease a little about my worries of taking him on and it not working out anyway, i guess you are right he would find a new home very easily and im sure i would get the help to find him a new home right here. I just hope that if we do decide to/manage to persaud them to let us have him that it wont come to that. Shall let you all know what happens tomorrow, but thankyou all again for the support and advice, its helping me not to go completely crazy over this!

Oh if anyone knows where we might stand legally over this id really appreciate it. I doubt we have any legal rights to him at all, but i would hate to find out afterwards that we did

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31-01-2011, 01:22 AM   #42

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Just a little update before bed to say that i know i will regret it if i dont try to get him back-Im just feeling too down about the whole thing to give up and leave it so i have worked out what i am going to calmly say and ring them in the morning and see if i can get anywhere. Atleast i will have known i tried and i wont have any regrets then and you never know, maybe they will see reason and we will have a new gorgeous addition to the feline family. Please wish us luck, i have a feeling i am going to need it.

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31-01-2011, 02:47 AM   #43

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Good luck. Will keep fingers & toes crossed.

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31-01-2011, 02:49 AM   #44

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Fingers crossed here too and good vibes coming, JB!~

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31-01-2011, 12:14 PM   #45

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Just a little update to say i have just spoke with the lady that i saw last week. She was quite understanding but she started telling me that the other lady wasnt exaggerating when she said he is climbing the walls and trying to get out the window and someone has to hold him when she goes out the front door as he tries to escape I told her i wasnt told any of that when i rang on saturday and that he was fine here with us that night and wasnt even trying to escape from the bathroom let alone the house

I explained that we really would still like the chance to adopt him and see will he settle here and that i have been speaking to friends(you guys!) who have taken on strays that have behaved like this and after a few weeks have settled happily into an indoor routine and that we just want the chance to see if he will settle with us as we really have fallen inlove with him and cant stop thinking about him.

She asked if we live in house or flat(we live in a house) and if we have a back garden we could let him into. She did say that she knows how attached we are but they have to think about where the kittie will be happiest so im not holding out much hope She said she cant say yes or no as she isnt the one that has been fostering him so she is speaking with that lady this afternoon and they will get back to me tomorrow with an answer I did say i was in all day so if someone wants to ring they can, i really hope so because i would just like to know one way or the other right now.

As i said if the decision lies with the lady that has been fostering him im really not holding my breath as i think she is a mix of not wanting him to be an indoor cat and knowing someone else that wants him so we just wont get a look in But I'll update as soon as i know the answer.

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31-01-2011, 12:22 PM   #46

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Well I am so glad that you spoke what is in your heart and let them know just how you feel. Up to them and fate now, I suppose, but no matter what you can live with knowing you put your feelings out there and really that is all you can do.
I do hope you get him but if not I also believe everything must happen for a reason and if it doesn't happen then it must be because there's another cat that needs you more possibly..
Hugs for dealing with this whole situation!

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31-01-2011, 12:26 PM   #47

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by Tink
Well I am so glad that you spoke what is in your heart and let them know just how you feel. Up to them and fate now, I suppose, but no matter what you can live with knowing you put your feelings out there and really that is all you can do.
I do hope you get him but if not I also believe everything must happen for a reason and if it doesn't happen then it must be because there's another cat that needs you more possibly..
Hugs for dealing with this whole situation!
Thankyou for that. I know what you mean, im another firm believer in everything happens for a reason and as you say if we cant persuad them then i guess we played our part in that kitties life, but im definately foolishly hoping they change their minds. Im just so upset about the whole thing and how its been handled and the poor kittie in the middle of it all. I just hope he gets the home he deserves where he will get the attention he was craving if he cant live with us. I know i once again wont be going near that vets ever again!

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31-01-2011, 12:29 PM   #48

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Oh it surely is understandable being upset. I guess now you know about them

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31-01-2011, 05:06 PM   #49

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

You know, part of me wonders if the escaping thing is partly in relation to him having chosen you, whereas he didn't choose this lady... But... Least you have tried either way.

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31-01-2011, 05:48 PM   #50

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

I just dont know what to do now. I have spoke with the lady thats been fostering him and she wasnt very nice to me at all to begin with. First she told me yes we can have him but shes the one thats done all the work by fostering him and trying to find his owners(by that she means reporting it to the cats protection) and that they are an animal hospital not a rescue and if we wanted him we never should have left him there. Then she went on to say that we would be keeping him indoors for our sake and not the cats and that its taking his right away to go outside. To this i said well you could say that about the cats we have and she said yes i could. I went on to defend myself saying our house belongs to our cats and is full of toys/posts/beds. they are healthy and happier then any outdoor cat we walk past on the street that is usually scruffy/skin and bones/begging for attention and that our cats will never be got to by yobs or involved in RTA's. At this point she had to hang up as she was working alone and had a client waiting. When she rang me back she basically said that she sees my point and knows its just a case of personal choice and that she knows we would give him a good home and she agreed that he would definately settle.

She then goes on to tell me she had him booked in to be neutered and chipped on wednesday and that he has been getting on great with her two cats. At this point i asked if it was her that was going to keep him and she said one minute she was, then she wasnt and that she has fell for him too. Basically by the end of it she has said that she will drop him to us this evening as if he is going she would rather him not stay another night.

So yes i dont know what to do because we are now being offered the kittie and despite the woman being so nasty at first im actually feeling guilty if the little guy has settled in with her and her two boys, should i really take him away from that? the reason we didnt want to keep him for the 7 days was because we didnt want him to get taken away from us and our boys if he was claimed, but we would be the ones doing that to him and this lady. I do feel a little sorry for the lady despite her being nasty to me as i know how i would feel, and i only had him for one night. but the main thing getting to us now is that he has made friends and settled in a new home She assured me that she always knows where her cats are when she lets them out and never leaves them out overnight.

We are really torn up over this now and as i keep saying despite the lady not being very nice to me at the end of the day it is about the kittie and if he is happy where he is should we ruin that? especially if there is that risk our boys wont take to him and we could end up needing to rehome him ourselves. I dont want to do anything i could regret but right now i feel like the best thing for him is to leave him where he is as much as that breaks my heart. I will need to ring the lady back soon if im going to do that but would love imput from your guys if you can.

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