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26-10-2019, 09:29 PM   #31

Re: Hello all

Hey Yola. Lovely to see you here. Hoping I'd we get enough people we could have one next Sunday night. I can host or if anyone else would like to host ��

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27-10-2019, 07:54 AM   #32

Re: Hello all

Morning all, had a lot of issues getting on here and staying on here last night but seem to have it sorted now.
I am so sorry to hear of all your losses, I myself lost Rayne a few months ago and am just devastated, we had been through so much that wee dog and I. I still have my other dog Philo, he has been a god send to be honest and I still have Evil cat, Millicent bo-jangles.
My dad finally retired 5 years ago at the age of 81, mostly because he had to as he was struggling to walk. He has since had 2 operations on his spine and now uses a walker, he is a completely different man these days though which is sad to see.
My mum had a cancer scare last year, well actually she convinced herself she had cancer and was dying, she almost did too. Made herself so ill, she ended up in hospital, suspected heart attack which then transpired to be her gall bladder. Once she was well enough with all that, we dealt with the suspected cancer which transpired to be nothing more than skin tags growing on her cervix. Then a few months later she had a mini stroke, but she is dojng well for now.
Its been a rough 4 or 5 years with all of that and also dealing with my own mental health issues, ptsd and anxiety.
Maybe Eileen is pulling us all together for a reason? I was just talking about Kazz last weekend with a friend of mine, my dear friend Pamela often asks if I have heard from you Kazz.
Just a suggestion but it might be nice to start the first quiz as a trip down memory lane, jog our memories of all the good times we used to share here?
Be good to yourselves and have a lovely day xxx

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Shelley123's Avatar
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27-10-2019, 10:05 AM   #33

Re: Hello all

Hi Yola and Elaine.
Elaine I'm sorry you have lost Rayne .
Glad your mum is sorted and that your dad is ok.
My dad has been doing well since we lost mum and has developed a new life for himself.
It is a worry when your parents get old.
I'd be interested in a quiz, memory lane sounds a good idea.
Going to start a daily today and see what happens.

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27-10-2019, 12:29 PM   #34

Re: Hello all

How nice to 'see' you all again!

So sorry to hear some of you have had a few troublesome times over the years, life can be hard at times

This past year has been a worry for me, my daughter was rushed into hospital in late July, just before we were due to go on holiday. she had an emergency operation for the removal of a fibroid which had caused a burst blood vessel. She was very weak when she came out of hospital then a week later my son-in-law had to have an MRI scan which resulted in the discovery of a tumour in his head. He was admitted for an emergency operation a week later. They removed 98% of the tumour, leaving a little bit as it was growing on a nerve stem so too dangerous to remove that. Now two months later, my daughter has recovered and SIL is showing signs of improvement, thank goodness.

I've been popping in here every now and again to check all is peaceful here (no spammers!). I'm now on our sister forum Over50s which is very busy, especially with the continual rows about Brexit! I pop over here when I can. Azz has blocked any new members joining Catsey as at the time when very few members posted we were invaded by hundreds of spammers for a week or so, but he has left the forum open for any former members who wish to chat or just keep in touch.

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27-10-2019, 02:30 PM   #35

Re: Hello all

Ah ha That explains the issues we all have getting back in then maybe as you know Mags I spent months trying to get back in.

Memory lane sounds brilliant. Have "messaged" Angie, Moli, Emma and Alex via F-book so hopefully fingers crossed.

I can do Sunday quiz but only before 3 or after 9.30pm have choir practice in-between times do not let that stop it.

Anyone know anyone we could round up?

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27-10-2019, 03:11 PM   #36

Re: Hello all

Originally Posted by Kazz
Ah ha That explains the issues we all have getting back in then maybe as you know Mags I spent months trying to get back in.

Memory lane sounds brilliant. Have "messaged" Angie, Moli, Emma and Alex via F-book so hopefully fingers crossed.

I can do Sunday quiz but only before 3 or after 9.30pm have choir practice in-between times do not let that stop it.

Anyone know anyone we could round up?
Maybe Smudgley, Donna, Kim???

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27-10-2019, 11:43 PM   #37

Re: Hello all

Am connected with smudgely and Donna on fb, But not Kim. I will try and remember to send them a message tomorrow.

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29-10-2019, 10:39 AM   #38

Re: Hello all

well hello everyone how lovely to 'see' so many familiar faces. Brings back so many memories of happy times spent on here.

So I guess I should bring you all up to speed on my last 10 years or so lol. Most of you have probably seen the post that we lost my darling Teddie in february, to be honest, still not completely over her passing, she was such a character and a quite irreplaceable cat. My girls are both well and the joys of my life, the eldest graduated uni last year and is about to move back to Telford with her boyfriend, I'm actually going to do a house viewing for them this morning. My youngest is autistic as you may remember, and has had a difficult few years, but has really blossomed this past year and is in her last year of college. No idea what happens next but she's happy and that's all that matters.
Hubby had cancer just over 4 years ago, and fought it brilliantly, kicking it's ass into touch lol, 4 years clear now and signed off from the consultant! My health is still a pain in the neck, but it is what it is and I'm still plodding on.
We still have the 2 cats, Broxi and Cooper, both very much slowed down in their old ages of 14, but can still put on a turn of speed at dinner time!! But we also have the 3 dogs now! Ranger we had not long gotten I think when last on here, and we now have another german shepherd called Penny, she's 4 and a half and we rescued her midway through hubbys chemo treatment lol. She's very dog reactive due to her poor upbringing before we got her, but she adores people! And the new baby of the family is our 5 month old pug puppy Baxter!! I know, a pug lol. Sister in laws 2 pugs got jiggy with it when the bitch came into season a week before her spay date, so 7 pups later, I ended up with one and so did my eldest. An absolute joy, and filled a little squashed face gap lol.

I think that's about it lol.

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29-10-2019, 10:48 AM   #39

Re: Hello all

Wow Hello Alex. Pleased to hear about your nubby and his positive news. Hope the house viewing goes well.

My nephew is autistic if you recall and the joy of our lives (99%) of the time. LOL He has struggled since Dad died in 2015 we think because he is none verbal and has no concept of death. Mom died in Feb this year Jack has not been able to step into this house without calling for her none stop and that then causes him to break down when she does not come which makes it hard for all of us he searches for her and carries a photo with him as well as Dad's.

We are approaching a hard time now as Jack has for every Christmas morning since my Dad died Nov 2015 been convinced RanRan (my Dad) will come as of course most of you ay recall my Dad adored Christmas. Jack opens cupboards and every door he can find as Dad on occasion would hide and then step out and shout "Merry Christmas" as Jack loves being scared. LOL,
he seemed to settle easier last year but Mom was here so what happens this year we have no idea. We will see.

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