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24-04-2006, 09:50 PM   #31

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Well, her pupils are back to normal, and she is seeming OK in herself. Eating is an issue though, she seems to want to eat wet food, but puts it in her mouth, moves it round and drops most of it. She has eaten a lot of dry food though, so am not too concerned. She has drank a lot of water though, I am hoping it is a combination of the anaesthetic and eating dry food. Her leg to me looks worse - at first I thought it was looking well, cos her paw wasnt bending under as much, but then I noticed that while the paw was fine, her leg was actually turning out, and then she started dragging it behind her, and at least 3 times since I got home, she has been walking and has ended up sitting/lying down cos her leg gave up. But, we are seeing the vet tomorrow, and am speaking to the vet who did her op, so we will know more. We have worked out that the pin has been in for at least 4 years, and the vet said they normally take them out after 9 months, so I wonder if that is part of the problem.

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24-04-2006, 10:05 PM   #32

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Fingers crossed for tomorrow BT. I really hope she starts to pick up x

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25-04-2006, 02:35 AM   #33

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Awwww, poor little girl! Hope everything goes well tomorrow..(((hugs)))

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25-04-2006, 03:43 PM   #34

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Only 2 hours till our app. I have changed her wet food, and she is now eating wet (will make the meds so much easier), and she is eating dry well. She drank a lot of water yesterday, but she had eaten mainly dry, so fingers crossed that is nothing to worry about. Her pupils are back to normal, she has had a poo, and she is seeming fine in herself. But, I am still not happy with her leg, when I first got home last night, it looked better, her paw wasn't bending over, but then after a while I noticed that her paw was actually turning outwards, and then she started dragging her leg a lot, and at least 3 times she ended up sitting/lying as though her leg had just given up on her. My friend came round, and I went to show her how she was walking in case I was over-reacting, and I couldn't get her to walk, she did a few steps and then ended up lying down with an odd look on her face. She barely walked on it this morning, just enough to get to the tray, and then into the bathroom for her breakfast (She wont use the tray in the bathroom, odd cat that she is), so not sure how positive it is really. WE worked out that the pin has been in for over 4 years, I have spoken to the vet who operated and he doesn't think that it is connected, the pin was well away from her sciatic nerve, and apart from the swelling, there is no reason for nerve damage, so will have to wait and see what my vet has to say.

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25-04-2006, 07:06 PM   #35

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

WEll, the wound is looking good, but there is still some swelling, so the vet is still hopeful that the nerve damage is due to the swelling, we have to give it a week on anti-inflammatories and if no better in a week, she has to have more x-rays. She has also advised keeping her just in one room so that she has some exercise but doesn't overdo it, I have been doing this while I have been at work anyway, partly so she could have food left down all the time, partly cos I was concerned that she might hurt herself when jumping off the bed and I wouldn't be around - the vet said she will only fall once and then realise, but my concern is that she will do some damage if she falls, and she already has one dodgy leg. I have brought her into my room while I am here to supervise so she can have some time out, and will do that all week for her. But she is eating well, and using the toilet, and seeming well in herself, so as long as this is only due to the swelling, then she should be fine.

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25-04-2006, 07:20 PM   #36

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Fingers crossed and best vibes!
Glad she's feeling herself again!

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25-04-2006, 07:58 PM   #37

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Keeping fingers crossed for Pebbles x

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25-04-2006, 08:40 PM   #38

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Glad she seems to be feeling a little better! Good vibes coming!!

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28-04-2006, 01:26 PM   #39

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Well, her paw isn't bending under her leg anymore, but her leg is turning outwards when she walks on it - the vet can't say if it is a good sign or not, so still a matter of waiting - but I think it looks slightly better today. I do hope so, as her op was a week tomorrow, so if it isn't any better, then I am not too optimistic. Her antibiotics finished today, and she is on anti-inflammatories till Sun. If there is no improvement by Tues, then I will have to book her an app for x-rays. She was supposed to have been seeing the other vet about her nose tomorrow, but have cancelled that as she has had 4 vet visits in a week, and we still don't know if she will have to go back next week. IF she has to go back next week, I will see if the vet can look at it then.

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28-04-2006, 06:27 PM   #40

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Poor Pebbles, she really is having quite a time of it. Fingers crossed the leg mends well and properly.

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