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08-04-2009, 07:20 PM   #21

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

My first cat was Herod because he slaughtered innocents (mainly mice)

Kotka (sp?) means cat in Chzech and a friend named her by muttering that to her when she was weeney

Hick was named by en ex who was cricket mad

Charlie- it just suited Charlie boy- bit of a 'wide boy' kitten

Of the current lot
Cleo was a regal looking kitten and it fitted
Izzy (Cleo' sister sadly left home 2 years ago but I'm sure has found another one) -a haughty looking tortie who we named Isadora
Smudge has a black smudge across her nose
Tolly is actually Ptolomy to go with Cleo.

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08-04-2009, 07:54 PM   #22

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

Slippers - Like sleeping in mine
Slappers - Had lots of kittens before 'the op'
Baby - Slappers youngest from last litter
Munchie - Character in Dragon Quest 'The Cursed King' PS2 game
Tidus - Main character in Final Fantasy X11 PS2 game

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09-04-2009, 10:08 PM   #23

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

eat stories! My puss cats names

Clara Bell - short haired black kitten found in leicester in the car park of the office I worked in. One of three kittens along with their Mum who was a stray - the RSPCA was called and managed to rescue one kitten who was stuck down a ditch. I had Clara. Named cus my Dad called me Clara Bell as a nickname. Lived to be 14 and is buried in my garden.

Wendy, it just suited her - tabby and white short haired sweetheart I got from the rspca - she was amazing. I took her daily on the bus with me to work (I worked in a shop in town ) and she had the run of the upstairs for a few months. I could get her out of her basket and she would sit on the bus on my knee looking out the window to the other passengers amusement. She would lie on the rear parcel shelf in my car too and enjoyed a ride out. She adored me and lay cuddled up to me every night. She went out one night a year and a week to the day I had her and she came back the next day terribly injured. I still cry to think about it. She had claws missing, a chunk out above her lip and dog dirt down one side - I rushed her to the vets and she had internal bleeding. I have a horrible hunch a fox attacked her but we will never know. She died at home that night. I was so heartbroken as she was a very special puss I lost half a stone in one week pining. She is the only puss I had cremated at the pdsa as i only had a tiny garden then. I regretted it tho.

I had Prudence then, Pru for short, tabby short hair also from the rspca. She was killed on the roads one saturday morning near to where we lived. She was not quite two. My daughter was 11 weeks old and I received a phone call to tell me. Apparently no one had bothered to pick her up and she had been run over many times. My husband was at work and the lady who phoned me said her husband and son would bury Pru in the spinney at the bottom of our road and I asked for her collar. It was covered in blood and I threw it away. I was so incensed and disgusted I wrote a letter to our local paper which was printed berating the drivers who didnt avoid her and thanking the kindness of the people who did.

I moved a few weeks later to my current house bringing Clara with us who had crossed safely that main road many times much to my horror. We have a golf course at the back of me thats why I moved here. I then had

Fliss (short for Felicity!) kitten short tabby - she had a strange temper and my children grew up having to be warned to not mess her about. She lived to be 16 and a half and is also in my garden. She used to raid dustbins looking for tit bits and bringing strange things home like wrapped up chicken carcasses.

I had Tabs then - short for Tabitha, also from the rspca but I seemed fated with puss cats from there. She was a beautiful cat, rescued from an empty council house, mum abnd two kittens left to starve. She was eight weeks old and beautiful markings, a real sweetheart, another one who adored me and got away with murder! Sadly, she was run over one evening and killed outright. No one stopped til a neighbour found her and knocked the door. She was also not quite two. I pined for weeks. Again she is asleep in my garden.

Max (now not in the best of health and almost 17) I had when he was six weeks old, went to meet him when he was two weeks old and the size of a hamster - we had Tabs a few weeks before I had Max so they were two kittens together. Great fun! Maccy Moos is what we call him but Adam my son, then six, named him after a friend at primary school. (he s 23 now lol ).

Harvey I had as a kitten, tabby boy, short hair from a farm. Lovely cat, took against Felix when we had him tho and beat him up on a regular basis. I used to get him in most times but this one morning I left him out and I reckon my daughter whistled him in (my cats all came to a whistle at one time) and he dashed across the road and the chap couldnt stop in time, he got out to look for Harvey but he didnt find him as Harvey managed to get up next doors drive but dropped dead half way up. Massive head injuries the vet said. Again Harvey is in my garden and I now no longer let any of my cats out. I cant bear the heart ache.

My boyfriend at the time came in one night with a present for me when Tabs and Max were about ten months old, an old crate - stand back, it might bite! he said. Out flew a tabby and white puss, straight from the farm, one of ten running about and the farmer caught him and put him in a crate! Poor Smudge, (named as he had a smudge like effect on his beautiful nose) he must have been terrified in the back of a car in a crate. However, after a few days hiding away and trying to dash out the patio door (closed, he had a heck of a bang to the head!) he calmed down and became a beautiful cat, albeit one who bought rats, mice, birds galore back to me. He had so many fights although he was neutered was constantly covered in abcesses and bites and could nt be kept in. He had scrape after scrape including hanging onto the ivy under the house opposites upstairs window, one morning, presumably chasing a bird or a mouse, and then letting go when the neighbour offered to open the window and grab him (Noooooooo) he landed unharmed that time. He came in covered in blood one morning, unruffled, quite calm (we werent!) and when rushed to the vets he had a bite to the chest cavity so deep they werent sure it hadnt damagfed his heart! He recovered just fine. He was put to sleep when he was 13 as he had cancer and was very poorly. I could nt stay in I said goodbye and left him purring away as they prepared him, now I wish I had, but I was so upset I didnt want him to sense my distress? Does that make sense? He s in my garden. Bless him.

I have Tessie who is almost 15, short hair tortie, just a name similar to Tabs really as I missed her so much and daft as it no doubt sounds prayed that she would come back and find me and I purposely left it til a friend told me about some kittens. She snuggled in my arms and never cried in the car once on the way home yet after that any time I took her in the car she never stopped! She is devoted to me and snuggles up at night. She also bought a frog in and dropped it at my feet the very first time she went out - yet never did again. I always told my family that if Tabs came back anyhow she would do that to prove it. Very strange and makes me sound daft too. But it s true. Tabs bought umpteen live frogs in to me and dropped them at my feet she collected them! Tess will go in the garden but you have to leave the door open or she panics so we tend to leave her be. She s very artiritic and stiff with how she walks now and a bit over weight which probably doesnt help.

We have Felix, found in Leicester too, about 9 weeks old long haired black and white full of fleas very thin (Hmmm you should see him now he s HUGE!) he was stuck in 95 degrees in the hot summer of 2003 in a garage had fallen in the roof, some idiot had stuck a blue collar on him and let a wee kitten out in the middle of a city! He was meowing pitifully and was heard by a nine year old boy who managed to get him out and I had him that evening as I knew the family who found him. He s beautiful, thinks he s a dog, really wants to go out to chase the birds but is only allowed out with us in the garden from time to time. Lol, he jumps out windows and hides under the first bush cus it s all alien territory to him. Love him daft sausage he is and he s Felix cus he s black and white and it suits him!

Finally, Maisie, short hair tortie almost three, timid beyond belief and not very playful except when she plays tag with Fe who she adores. Hides from anyone and everyone, but seems happy enough. Maisie was just a sweet name for a sweet little kitty.

Wow! Sorry to harp on so long. Had a trip down memory lane too, bitter sweet. Jan x

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09-04-2009, 10:22 PM   #24

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

Such a wonderful story Jan. So many well loved cats, so many happy memories, tinged of course with sadness. Thanks so much for sharing.

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09-04-2009, 10:45 PM   #25

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

Loved reading those storys Jan, like Angie said happy memories but tinged with sadness, thanks so much for sharing them with us Xxx.

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10-04-2009, 12:01 AM   #26

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

You all make Max and Oli seem fairly boring !

Oliver Frances - a black and white tux who was originally Olive Frances and named after my daughters best friend but had a sex change (the cat not the friend) after a couple of weeks of having him. - Also known as Oli boli boo - not very manly but he is soft as butter with a tiny squeak of a meow.

Max Apple - named by my son and originally Laura Apple after a Lobster he adopted in Padstow two years ago, again like his brother Oli, subject to renaming following a sex change. - also know a sous chef for his habit of sitting on the side in the kitchen as soon as anyone starts to cook or goes near the fridge or Max pax after the drinks machine at work !!

Weird thing is we now have Max and Oli the same names a one of my old colledge friends children and we didn't even realise til a few weeks ago.

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10-04-2009, 01:02 AM   #27

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

I now no longer let any of my cats out. I cant bear the heart ache.

Hey Jan.. good to see you online again was wondering where you had got to... i perfectly understand your comment about indoor cats..

John was my last outdoor cat.. when he was killed after his second collision with a car.... I swore that any future babies would be indoor!(his first collision with a car resulted in a REALLY badly dislocated hip that that right hind leg joint wouldn't stay in.. so they removed the head of the femur and he was fine after that for about 2 years... until his date with destiny..

loved reading about all your babies... can imagine the amusment of fellow passengers on a bus.. watching a cat sit there looking out the window... and of course being a cat...she probably had a look on her face which said something like... "what are you all looking at??? haven't you ever seen a cat before??"".. lol had my giggle for the day

Jo, George and Harri

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10-04-2009, 02:43 AM   #28

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

Clementine was due to the small but very vivd orange patches in her coat; no surprises
Maxwell, a member on here Het had a beautiful siam with this name and I fell in love as it had such a ring too it, when Bella gave birth to him I knew straight away maxwell suited him. A dignified and very individual character, of no social requirements other than what he may choose!
William, also born here, was Dexter for a long time but as he grew older there was something far more simplistic to his character, far too undignified and robust in purrsonality for such a name; he was is and always shall be "Just William"
We had an Elsa because she looked like a wee wild cat n I always loved Born Free, and i'm not quite sure where Bella came from. Years ago one of the many cats was a beautiful ginger tabby tom with a white tum n feet, named Shermann as he would stomp around the house in such an abbraisive manner and was truly made of steel; like a little Sherman tank The usual has never been accepted when it comes to the subject of naming cats in this house!

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10-04-2009, 07:03 PM   #29

Re: Why did your cat get his name?

Family cat Smudge was named because she had a smudge on her nose.

Beauty was named Beauty because in the rescue she was called Enid and she and I didn't think much to the name so I called her Beauty once and she responded - she also responded to "sugar pie" as well.

Dylan because that's the name he had in the rescue and he won't respond to anything else (apart from "handsome boy" when he wants a change)

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