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angieh's Avatar
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11-04-2008, 10:48 PM   #21

Re: Daily Thread / Friday

Compulsory composting!!! We have to PAY extra for our green composting bin if we want one - which we do because even though I use Bokashi composter and 2 big homemade compost bays in our back garden (we do have a large back garden) there are still a surprising number of vegetable based things, such as perennial weeds and such like that we don't compost. With the industrial process our D.C. uses, the temperature the heaps get to are sufficient to kill any weed seeds (or so they tell us). There is a rumour that we will be getting another bin (that'll make 4) for glass, but as you have already seen we currently have to take our glass to the collection areas. We also separately recycle those Tetrapak juice and soup cartons. I would like someone to tell me HOW anyone with a big family and outside work would ever manage to organise it all within their busy lives!!!!! Not that I don't think it is necessary and vital too.

Sorry peeps - don't suppose all this should have gone in the Daily Thread - things just happen!

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11-04-2008, 10:57 PM   #22

Re: Daily Thread / Friday

Ang, I know what you're saying! My recycle bin gets tetra pac stuff . . . to date I've not has a stroppy notice in my bin so they will continue to get them!

I'm one of those you cite; 2 small kids, business to run, house to run . . . still - you do what you can and it kind of becomes a pattern but it ain't easy!

We could have 3rd bin for green waste (grass cuttings, small twigs and branches), but (a) I resent having to pay for the blasted bin/bag and (b) I seriously don't have the space

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