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14-10-2008, 02:06 PM   #21

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

I have laughed at this thread! Merlin, being a cat of advanced age and having learned to be a patient boy during those years, sleeps with us at night. Sometimes he curls up on his blanket at the foot of the bed but sometimes I can wake up in the night with him stretched out along my body. Last night for example, his butt was under my armpit and his head and front legs were stretched out by my knees (OK, I am quite short and I did have my knees bent!). He was "draped" a bit like a leopard and I was the branch.

OH usually gets up first, whisks off to the loo and then comes back to get dressed. By then Merlin is sitting up by the side of OH and interferes with him putting his socks on - well OH teases him with the socks! Then OH will go off into the kitchen to put the kettle on and Merlin follows for first breakfast. If, on the odd occasion I have to get up first, Merlin waits on the bed until OH gets up, or until I come back and tell him to come for his breakfast!

(By the way - he seems quite well atm. I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow to discuss the finer points of his blood test - sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread!)

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14-10-2008, 04:31 PM   #22

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

Originally Posted by meep
Can't help but laugh at the bladder dance. Minsky has perfected this too, and he's a few pounds heavier than Darcy. 6 Kilos on your bladder first thing in the morning is not what you need!

Darcy however has worked out that standing on my chest (you know how tender the buds can be!) is sure to wake me up in an instant. Cruel cat!

DM - you are so lucky to have a laid back cat! Let's swap for a week I'd gladly have Leia casually watching me hurr about in the morning and then only come for breakfast when called!
I am very grateful that she's laid back! Dandy was horrible trying to get me up...he was a poker! Would poke and poke and poke me repeatedly with his paw, I'd push him off the bed and he was back in a flash poking until I gave in and got up! Thank God he outgrew it finally!!!

I'd love to have the boys; but think I'm a bit long in the tooth for two such lively high energy fellows!

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14-10-2008, 04:36 PM   #23

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

I'm hoping my two grow out of the pestering stage in the morning too. Although it is lovely to see them so attentive!

Even I struggle sometimes to match their energy. Minsky last night managed to dribble his ball from the kitchen, through to the hall, along the hall and back into the kitchen after I threw it for him and once it was back in the kitchen he yowled loudly for me to throw it again!

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14-10-2008, 04:38 PM   #24

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

I love your stories about the boys...two characters!

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14-10-2008, 06:41 PM   #25

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

Posh has the advantage over the slower, arthritic old sheepdog Bron, but the early morning kitchen dash is a keen contest . Posh gets picked up and plonked down on her food table while the old lady goes outside for her morning wee. Then we have a little chat about why she can't go outside and why she has to have breakfast now because I'm in a rush to go to work to keep her in chicken and tuna. We let Bron in again and give her her medicines, as Posh looks on in distain. Stuck up puss! Couldn't live without her though!

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14-10-2008, 07:43 PM   #26

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

The best thing about cats in the morning is that they are often so eager and intense (even in a laid-back Leia way ) and happy to see you. I know it's probably 90% because of food, but it is nice to feel needed and like you're making someone happy first thing every morning!

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14-10-2008, 07:44 PM   #27

Re: How does your cat greet you in the morning?

Beauty wakes me up but starting to push her head against me in a "bunting" way (like cats do when they are leaving their scent on you) then she'll go and sit by the fridge giving me her starving hungry look when I follow her down, bless her!

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