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Catsey Senior
Cats owned: 3 moggies
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: london, uk
Posts: 427
14-11-2008, 01:26 PM   #11

Re: tigger

Originally Posted by Tink
wow thank you for your reply! you have such a similar story, it is *so nice* to know and hear about someone else's experience like this. it truly did make me feel better, thank you.
it is very helpless feeling when you can't take them to the vet to make them comfortable (other than to be PTS). he is seventeen and in my mind that's old but not very old..in a way i wish he was the age teddie was so i'd feel better about these thoughts.
(the tumor is in his sinus cavity, too old to survive surgery and would remove part of his face even if they could so yeah..that's not an option)
was teddie on meds? tigger's just on pred to "slow down the tumor".
i also don't want to wait until it bursts and he dies like that. but how long till it bursts i don't know..
he is fighting me more everyday taking his pills, i sometimes wonder if he's telling me "no more" or then i could just be reaing into it what i feel like so that's not fair either.
Hello Tink, I'm so glad my post was helpful to you........made it worth the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I was typing. It was five years ago, but God, I still miss that girl!

Teddie wasn't on any meds for the tumour, she was already on daily tablets for hyperthyroidism so maybe the vet felt that was enough for a cat of her age. I think you're experiencing things just like I did, changing my mind almost from one moment to the next depending on how she was behaving that particular day or even hour. One day I'd think she seemed a bit miserable, then the next day she'd be purring and even playing...........so very confusing.

Please feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk or ask me anything............even if it's just to vent to someone who's been there.

Love to you and Tigger.x

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