Originally Posted by Kim
So sorry Smudgley. I love chickens, and fresh eggs, how lovely! Hope your daughter doesn't feel too bad.
I have started to buy the organic free range eggs and they are much nicer!
Kim, this is what I mean. I've been doing a bit of investigating and the official EU organic label is allowed to producers of eggs from chickens that have been fed up to 20% non-organically! Then there's the 'free range' qualification, which again is misleading: most of the chickens are in sheds with an open door, which is blocked all the time by a few alpha females. Since they are over-crowded and loose in the sheds, it is mayhem, in some ways worse than the misery of battery hens.
Either you have to have personally seen where your eggs are coming from, or you have to keep chickens yourself. A terrible state of affairs.