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25-01-2011, 04:55 PM   #11

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

So glad you got sorted, you were brave leaving him at the Vets but sensible.

Amber was picked up straying with a too tight collar. Taken to vets who defleaed & dewormed her. He kept her for some days & then she went to rescue where they kept her for ten days, extensively advertised her, to no avail. No one came to claim her so hopefully your boy will be the same. Amber is a wee poppet too.

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25-01-2011, 06:05 PM   #12

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Thankyou both. Im finding it hard not to ring the vets up to see how he is We wernt even thinking about getting another kittie, to be honest i still get so low over the loss of Raven, i miss him every single day. I guess as we said, if his owners are meant to find him that will be, if not then maybe someone is working in mysterious ways so that we extend our feline family a little He will look a bit out of place amoungst our tuxedo boys though

I was nervous about leaving him with the vets, especially as its not a vets i use-I have used them a couple of times in the past-once i had a good experience there and then i had an experience bad enough with a locum to put me off going back there but they were very understanding today and i thought it nice that they said they would ring me to let me know whats happening with him so i felt more at ease at leaving him there. Though i also feel guilty as i know he will be going crazy cooped up in a cattery for days I really hope this all turns out well one way or the other, i just want to know we have done the right thing by him.

I am dying to post a piccie, im being really paranoid though incase someone sees it and fancies themselves a free gorgeous kitten i know none of the regular members would do anything like that but browsers might so i think i will wait and see what happens saturday and then it should be safe to show you all why even though the thought of getting another kitten hadnt crossed our minds, we have now became besotted with a little ginger tabby boy

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25-01-2011, 06:11 PM   #13

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Oh how hard for you! Wise decision there though, it would be just typical that he was claimed just after he was settled nicely in your family. But what a difficult decision to have to make. Well done you.

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25-01-2011, 09:03 PM   #14

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

You are very strong! I think it was the right decision considering the circumtances. I took in my little lost hungry kitten with the intention of just giving her a meal and a bed overnight till I located her owner .... she died peacefully in her sleep 19 1/2 years later .....

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25-01-2011, 09:28 PM   #15

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by dandysmom
You are very strong! I think it was the right decision considering the circumtances. I took in my little lost hungry kitten with the intention of just giving her a meal and a bed overnight till I located her owner .... she died peacefully in her sleep 19 1/2 years later .....
Oh my that is such a lovely little story, its almost made me cry, but in the good way of course. I do believe in everything happens for a reason-we wernt even supposed to be going to see the in laws yesterday and then we wernt supposed to be there so late. then we were going to get a taxi home and decided we wanted the walk instead. just think of all the little things that had to happen for us to walk home with that little kitten by our side? its so odd. I guess even if he doesnt end up living with us atleast he isnt outside in the cold and lost.

But i admit that we cant stop thinking and talking about him. Im just confused over it because i keep wanting to go and steal him back from the vets and then my heart starts aching over Raven. Its hard to explain but i think if anyone is going to understand the feelings in having right now it will be all you fellow cat lovers who have been there and done that I think if we were 100% sure that our boys would be happy with it then if his owners havnt claimed him he would be becoming a permanent part of the family, but we are just so worried about upsetting things with the boys.

See what i mean, so confused!! I keep saying hopefully the decision will be made for us and he will have loving owners that reunite with him. But is it bad that a part of me hopes no one claims him? Il stop babbling now, shall have to keep myself busy until saturday to keep my mind off him i think! I cant wait to share photos, though they really dont do him justice.

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25-01-2011, 10:46 PM   #16

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

I do understand JB - it's such a dilemma. Just take a very deep breath and wait it out. No use worrying whether your boys will take to new kid if he's reunited with his owner.

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25-01-2011, 11:18 PM   #17

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by angieh
I do understand JB - it's such a dilemma. Just take a very deep breath and wait it out. No use worrying whether your boys will take to new kid if he's reunited with his owner.
Thankyou, thats exactly what i keep trying to tell myself Lets see if i manage to take that advice

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25-01-2011, 11:47 PM   #18

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

And if he isn't reunited with his owner and does come to live with you .... who knows? Perhaps Raven knew the little fellow would be welcomed and loved; the boys might be very accepting ... or just briefly grumpy .... no point worrying too much at this point, although I know your brain is going around like a whirligig now thinking of all the what-ifs ......

Glad you enjoyed my Misty story. She was a special litlte girl.

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26-01-2011, 04:18 PM   #19

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by dandysmom
And if he isn't reunited with his owner and does come to live with you .... who knows? Perhaps Raven knew the little fellow would be welcomed and loved; the boys might be very accepting ... or just briefly grumpy .... no point worrying too much at this point, although I know your brain is going around like a whirligig now thinking of all the what-ifs ......

Glad you enjoyed my Misty story. She was a special litlte girl.
I definately enjoyed your story about Misty, she was a very lucky girl obviously. And yes lots of what ifs to think about!

I just rang the vets to see how he is and if anyone had rang for him yet and they put me through to another lady because she had actually taken him home last night so that he wouldnt be cooped up in a cage for 7 days-feel very happy about that because thats one of the things i have been feeling guilty about. We had a chat and i told her we might be interested in adopting him if he isnt claimed-she asked some questions about our boys(are they neutered/chipped/vaccinated/age) but when i told her they were indoor only cats she asked why because she said the little ginger boy might not be happy about being kept indoors. This had crossed our minds too, we wondered whether he would be able to make the adjustment to living indoors after being outdoors. I guess we will know better by the weekend though as obviously this lady is keeping him indoors at the moment so she will be able to tell us if he has settled down or not.

We are going to have another chat on saturday to see how things are going and if he has been claimed. She said if we are interested in him though that we can rehome him from the vets rather then sending him to the cats protection etc so i guess we will just wait and see what happens. Obviously we wouldnt want to take him on just for him to be unhappy here being kept inside, but then again maybe he will be young enough to get used to it quickly. AJ and Raven were actually born outside and raised in a shed and Hernie and Rhino were both let out as kittens before coming to us and all of our boys have never showed any interest in getting out-Rhino is the only one that likes wondering into the porch sometimes but he'd be off like a shot if we opened that door

Anyway thought i would share the update with you all! Shall let you all know how he's getting on when i find out. Atleast he is safe and warm

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26-01-2011, 06:29 PM   #20

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Thanks for the update, this is one luck little Kitten to have people so concerned for him.

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