View Full Version : Yet another question for Sam! Cat registration

20-05-2005, 12:20 AM
How does cat registration work Sam. I hear different organisations mentioned which one is the Kennel Club equivalent for cats? and what does being on the active register mean?

20-05-2005, 08:00 AM
well in cats theres only one register to worry about and that is the GCCF.They are the main register for cats.
with registering cats they can be put onto Active or Non Active.Active means you can breed and register the kittens and non means thats kittens wont be registered.cats are registered as by breed and colour.However being non active dosnt mean they cant have kitts unless theres a contract which says cat to be spayed by a certain age.
Hope that helps

20-05-2005, 08:31 AM
Thanks Sam, Sometimes, I see cats advertised as being dual registered with a couple of organisations, so this would be a pointless exercise then? I had a feeling the GCCF where the 'big wigs' as you hear it mentioned a lot. But I didn't know what the active register was so thank you....

20-05-2005, 03:40 PM
well its stupid to register a cat with 2 registrys as the GCCF will say that you wont be able to show the cat at there registered shows if its registered with the GCCF.I dont see the point of registering with another group as they are not recognised full stop.Not worth the paper its written on.
I can only see the point of that for someone who has a cat not on GCCF register and has bred and wants to sell kits as so-called pedigree.But if there not on GCCf then they they aint pedigree or they have a cat on non active and to get around it they register with another group.But its still pointless as anyone with the know will not touch them.

20-05-2005, 04:25 PM
Sounds similar to the dog world then. GCCF is Kennel club equivalent. But with the kennel club if you don't want the pups to be bred from you put an endorsement on them which the breeder can lift at anytime if he/she wishes.