View Full Version : Sunday

16-05-2021, 07:49 AM
Morning Everyone,

Been a fairly quiet weekend so far. Spent a couple of hours cleaning the motorbike yesterday and taking off rust with a spray my friend gave me. Got it all washed and polished. It is looking good. It is also the ideal time to start thinking about selling it as it is looking so good, still undecided about it.

Todays plan is walk the dogs, give Barney a haircut, possibly go out on the bikes and do the food shop for the week. Good thing is it wont be a big shop as i am off Tuesday and Wednesday on annual leave.

16-05-2021, 08:33 AM
Morning Pamela and anyone who follows.
Sounds like you have got the bike spik and span now.
Hope you have a good ride today.
Started the weekend by inviting my dad for dinner Friday, was good to catch up.
Yesterday I had the privilege of hand feeding Robins and great tits.
The tit spent ages rummaging through the food to find suet, it discarded the nut pieces.
The swans have returned to the other pond so 2 pairs again now.
Church this morning and then some doll and bear renovation.