View Full Version : Dry Bed synthetic sheepskin bedding.

20-11-2019, 09:48 PM
Has anybody used a Dry Bed for their dog or cat? It's a thick, synthetic sheepskin blanket, used by vets ,for animals to lie on after operations etc.It's designed also for incontinent pets as all moisture is trapped in the bottom layer and the top remains dry.I'm thinking of getting one for Willow. She is not incontinent but she often catches her feet in her other blankets on the floor or scratches them up. If they're not totally flat on the ground, she can stumble on them and I don't want to risk any more falls. This bedding comes in all different sizes and is stable on the floor, so I'm told.It's very expensive so I'm just wondering if anyone has used it before with good results.

25-11-2019, 08:04 AM
I've never used it dinky but sounds like it could be good for willow to stop her tripping and hurting herself

25-11-2019, 06:41 PM
Like Pamela I have never heard of it. But sounds like it will be Godsend for what you need it to do.

26-11-2019, 08:35 PM
Have used similar called vet bed, it does trap moisture away from the body.
Would willow not catch her claws if its sheepskin ?

26-11-2019, 09:26 PM
Thanks for your replies everyone. I think that it is made from the same stuff as the vet bed, Shelley. I never thought of Willow catching her claws in it. I'll have to watch for that. Will's claws are cut regularly so are not long, but thanks for letting me know.