View Full Version : Just Curious, Barfing After Every Meal?

23-08-2015, 03:40 AM
Chii was a rescue for us, but she is also a pure breed Munchkin, maybe ten years old. Something puzzling she has always done is throw up right after eating. It doesn't affect her weight, she has to weigh ten to fifteen pounds. But is it just a personal quirk or the breed or maybe she eats too fast? Anyone know?

25-08-2015, 03:38 PM
She probably eats too fast. Personally I would just get it checked out to be on the safe side but you know your cat best so if she's otherwise well perhaps you can just monitor her and if there is any mood change or weight loss whisk her off to see a vet.

27-08-2015, 09:51 AM
Marmaduke does this and always has its down to eating his food to quick. Not effected him as he's nearly 6kg, its not every time he eats but at least once or twice a week I would say

03-09-2015, 04:23 AM
Amber dies it too, eats too much too fast & up it comes again.
As been said above - wee check up with Vet always good idea