View Full Version : Tuesday

23-06-2015, 08:07 AM
Morning everyone, its bright and sunny here today.

On the late shift today so got loads done in the house before i head out in an hour. Also on the count down to starting my new job next monday. Still within the company but a completely different role and location which is closer to home.

Still watching the rbbit, got him for another week and a half until my sister comes back.

23-06-2015, 10:44 AM
Good morning Pamela and all to follow. It's Tuesday evening here and really freezing. Expected to go down to -10 tonight. I'm looking after 3 of my grandchildren this week, aged 6, 5 and 2 years, while my eldest daughter, Brenna, and her husband are in London. Brenna is on a course for her job and Jared, her husband went along to care for their new baby who (thankfully) went with them !!!!! It's hard work looking after these 3 wee ones and the cats hate it as they are not used to a lot of noise. Their other nana is having them next week. Janna, my youngest daughter is very good with the children and once she has done her school work, she plays with them for hours.

Lots of luck with your new job next week Pamela. Hope all goes well for you.

Love to all Catsey cats, dogs, rabbits etc.