View Full Version : cat diet

19-11-2014, 11:52 PM
We weighed the cats tonight as we thought Harris was looking a bit scrawny. His weight is fine though. When we weighed Skye though she is over weight. Nearly 6kg so we need to put her on a diet but make sure Harris eats. If we seperate them Harris pines and won't eat until she is beside him.

Anyone any ideas on how to get skies weight down?

20-11-2014, 12:33 PM
I think realistically your only option is to try and increase Skye's activity ........ maybe some encouragement to play and run about indoors as part of her daily routine?

20-11-2014, 01:59 PM
She does play. One of the main issues we have is she steals Harris food unless we stand guard to stop her which isn't always feasible

fecto's mum
20-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Is Skye overweight or just a big cat? Fecto is 10kg, Swirl is 8kg and Big Fooze is 9kg but they are all big cats. We had a she cat, Scrumps, who weighed around 7kg but she was also big, half Ragdoll I think. Can't really think how you could separate them unless you could feed Harris next to Skye but make it so Skye can't pinch his food. Is it possible to do it so Harris can see Skye but she can't get to his dish?