View Full Version : Not sure if there's a problem

16-11-2014, 12:53 PM
Pete and I were at the vet on Thursday as he'd been fighting, and got a split ear for his trouble. He's got a 5 day course of Synulox, and he's eating the tablets pressed into food without any problems. He was a bit subdued on Thursday morning, but he's been back to normal since Thursday evening.

Usually he wakes me by purring at my face until I get up and feed him. At the weekends I get out of bed at the same time as during the week, feed him, and go back to bed. This morning he woke me by purring in my face, then standing on my shoulder and biting my head, which isn't like him at all, and then when I moved to get up he tried to bite me again. So I was wondering if he's feeling a bit off.

I fed him (with his Synulox in it) and went back to bed. I heard him go out through the cat flap and come back in again a while later, meowing as he arrived. I called to him to come into the bedroom but he continued to meow. He's not a very meowy cat so I thought I'd better check he was ok. He was crouching in his litter tray meowing but not actually peeing and as soon as he saw me he moved into the kitchen and sat by his bowl. He's generally very relaxed about me being around while he uses his litter tray; I've even hoovered round him while he's using it. So I'm slightly worried that he's developing a UTI, although that would be weird given that he's on Synulox which is broad-spectrum and would be knocking the bugs out before they have a chance to get hold.

He's asleep and snoring now :lol: but if he hasn't peed by this afternoon I'll ring the out of hours vet.

16-11-2014, 05:04 PM
I hope Pete is OK - I'm not aware any issues with Synulox - have you Googled?

16-11-2014, 06:22 PM
Yeah, it says very low incidence of side-effects other than a risk of allergic reaction if there's a penicillin allergy. Synulox is an amoxicillin, which I've had myself loads of times!

He peed earlier on without any obvious distress, chased his toys around and then went back to sleep, and he's just wrecked my relaxing Sunday afternoon bath by meowing at me for his tea. He is on a diet just now and his bedtime biscuits were reduced slightly last night, so I think perhaps he was just very hungry and consequently grumpy this morning.

16-11-2014, 08:03 PM
my wee boy cat gets cystitis if he has biscuits with his food as he doesnt drink enough water and it causes crystals to form and problems peeing. Also classed as a UTI

16-11-2014, 10:57 PM
Pete has drunk very little in the past couple of months as far as I know (I work full time) but biscuits are a minor part of his diet. He gets wet food and occasionally raw chicken wings. He was drinking more water during the summer but since it cooled down, he hasn't bothered. Sometimes I put icecubes in his water bowl because it's fun to see him poke them.