View Full Version : Introducing Timid Kitten to Dogs

26-08-2014, 04:45 PM
I want to start introducing and slowly integrating Devon to the dogs. My boys have been great so far with Cheddar. I know they don't have a pray drive and have been accepting of having Cheddar in the house. They are good boys seeing as they do not rush over and intimidate or chase, even when Cheddar is zooming around like crazy. They have been pretty laid back and have already gone to their regular routine (mostly consisting of sleeping).

What would be the best way to doing this? Keep in mind that he's a feral kitten but has come a long way. He's never shown any aversion to the dogs and doesn't seem phased by their presence.

Should I have Cheddar out with him, or on his own so he can explore without too many distractions? I want to begin to desensitize him to regular household things and other animals.

28-08-2014, 05:39 AM
Leave them together the dogs may be curious but as theyre used to cheddar they will orobably soon lose interest, just be there to supervise the first couple of times