View Full Version : Funny Story

23-01-2014, 04:59 PM

Of our three cats, Arlo (pictured above, for those who haven't seen him yet), is the one who seems to have "claimed" me as his own. If he is not at the food dish, and not sleeping, he has to be constantly in my presence. If I'm moving around the house, he follows me around like a little puppy. When I sit down at the kitchen table, he sits at my feet - he knows that human meal time is not lap time. When I sit down in the recliner, he soon makes his way to my lap, and if by some chance he finds that one of the other cats has taken up residence there before him, he gently, but very insistently nudges them aside until he's forced them down from his lap. I'm a "back sleeper," and I awake every morning with Arlo curled up on my stomach.

As I said, he follows me everywhere. This includes being in the bathroom when I shower. He frequently peeks around one end of the shower curtain to check on me, making sure I haven't drowned in there. Normally, he is very careful about how he does this, but a couple of days ago, he decided to get brave.

He was walking along the edge of the tub, for what reason, I have no idea. He suddenly lost his footing and fell into the shower with me. His big mistake came when instead of turning around and going out the way he came in, he darted further into the tub with me, thus insuring that he received a thorough shower. He finally figured out the correct direction to help him make his escape, but his claws couldn't grip the tub. Laughing like an insane man, I helped him out of the tub, expecting him to be hiding somewhere when I came out of the shower.

Instead, I found him sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor, furiously drying himself off with his tongue. I grabbed a towel and helped him out a bit with that - which he did not seem to appreciate, either. For several hours following this incident, every time I looked at him, he sat and quite literally glared at me - expressing, I'm sure, the fact that he does NOT approve of showers!

My only regret is that I didn't have a way to capture a video of the whole incident! :D

23-01-2014, 06:53 PM
:lol: he seems quite a devoted little man :-D

I love the shower incident, my Pearla has an absurd curiosity about our bathroom, she must enter it when anyone goes there, or stand guard until they come out. Often when I come out of our shower she goes in to inspect the shower tray, and even licks the soapy water - ewww.

cats' staff
23-01-2014, 08:52 PM
Aw, bless him. I had a cat join me in a bubble bath once which was a painful experience!

24-01-2014, 03:51 AM
:lol: he seems quite a devoted little man :-D
Actually, I think it's more a case of him knowing that he has me wrapped around his paw...

Seriously though, I've heard non-cat people say that cats aren't really affectionate, that they tolerate us for food, body heat, and a clean toilet. I would dare anyone to watch Arlo's behavior around me, and see the way that he often stares into my eyes, and then tell me that cats aren't capable of love.

In fact, I recently saw a television program called The Science of Cats. At one point, a vet said that cats are one of only a very small handful of animals who voluntarily "allowed" themselves to be domesticated. He went on to say that while the original intent on their part may well have been for food (as we became an agrarian society, rodents were attracted to grain stores, thus attracting cats), it's becoming more and more widely accepted that cats have reached a point in their evolution where they not only depend on us for food and other basic needs, but for their mental, emotional, and psychological needs as well. I only wish that all vets took that stance.

Aw, bless him. I had a cat join me in a bubble bath once which was a painful experience!
OUCH! That must have hurt!! :(

24-01-2014, 10:45 AM
A lovely story .... I also have had experience of my previous cat, Melin, who as a kitten fell into the bath with me! I wonder if Arlo will have learned from his experience. Merlin only ever did it once.

Cats are all so individual and some express their affection more overtly than others. I know that my cat Kizzy loves me, I can see it plainly in her eyes sometimes.

I enjoyed reading your story BW!