View Full Version : Giving medication

31-05-2013, 08:04 PM
My 18 month old silver tabby has been very ill for about 4 weeks. He has been on steroids now stopped and anti biotics. Now he has got very picky about his food and has been missing his medication. I also found that the dog could open the door to the room the cat was in and eating the food.
The vet checked his blood count and it was very low and gave him a long acting steriod injection. The blood count has come up now.
I now put him in a large dog cage but but he is still picky about his food with the medication. I tried tuna and he eat about half of it.
The vet suggested giving a small amount of food then disduising the taste with tomato sauce and warming it in the microwave.
Any ideas how I can get this cat to eat his food?

31-05-2013, 10:22 PM
Aw poor thing and such a worry for you too.
What exactly is wrong with him?
My tips for getting cats to eat through ill health are...
Warming food by adding a little boiled water to it, let it cool to luke warm before feeding.
If the cat is nausious, try raising the food bowl by placing it ontop of a few books or something.
Smelly fish, such as tuna, sardine, mackeral.
Applaws cat food can sometimes be good too.
Warm poached chicken or fish.
A little scrambled egg.
You can also try blending any of the above into a soup consistancy so the cat can lap the food rather than eat, that way you are ensuring that he gets a good fluid intake too.

01-06-2013, 10:02 AM
The vet is uncertain what is wrong. At first he thought might be a parasite similar to malaria but thinks it is a viral infection.
He hasn't ruled out cancer by as the cat is only 18 months and the white blood cell count isn't elevated he thinks that isn't the cause.
This morning I put I pill in Tuna and another pill in his normal cat food and he has picked at both. Just will not eat when there is medication in the food.
I might go back to giving him the pill direct and fight it out with him.

01-06-2013, 01:02 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your cat is ill and such a young one too makes it even harder. I would try giving his medication direct with a pill dispenser - it's tricky I know but at least then you know he's had his meds. If you can summon another human to help so much the better. Fingers crossed for your lovely boy.

01-06-2013, 02:14 PM
Sometimes they will take a pill covered in soft cheese, primula and the like...

01-06-2013, 07:55 PM
I pill 2 Hyperthyroids with their meds wrapped in smoked salmon from Marks and Spencer also Pate and kitsticks can be split and the treat popped inside

03-06-2013, 03:09 AM
I really do sympathise. One of ours needs daily meds and its a syrup. I thought that would be easier, not so. Add to food and she won't touch it

05-06-2013, 10:16 PM
I'd be inclined to get a pill giver and get someone to hold his front legs while you pop the pill down his throat. We do this for one of ours, the rest are much easier.
