View Full Version : Giving Tablets Hint

19-05-2013, 11:31 AM
I have always found giving tablets to my cats a nightmare ! I received a very handy hint from a veterinary nurse which works every time for my two. Put the tablet in a small ball of fish paste or meat paste if your cats are more "meaty". The advantage of the salmon fish paste is that it's strong smell disguises any scent from the tablet. The trick is to keep the paste covering as small as possible so the ball of paste with tablet enclosed goes down in one.
My cats even get excited when I get the paste & tablets out as they look at it as a treat. As a result we're all much more relaxed about tablets. Hope this helps someone who struggled as I used to !

19-05-2013, 11:48 AM
That sounds like a valuable tip, thanks! What sort of paste do you use?

19-05-2013, 01:03 PM
Just the usual Shippams Salmon Spread in the little glass jars. Supermarkets own make do just as well. Trial & error works best as they are quite cheap. The smellier ones work best as they disguise tablet smell. Good luck !

19-05-2013, 06:45 PM
When I had cats, the first cat I had (Beauty) I had to hide it in tuna because that was the only way I could get her to take it, the second cat I had (Dylan) would literally take the tablet out of my hand.

19-05-2013, 06:52 PM
They are all so different. That's why we live them !

20-05-2013, 09:45 AM
Ive tried doing this type of thing before & ours refuse it however will try again with the fish paste - all hints & tips gratefully received

20-05-2013, 09:57 AM
Good luck !!

20-05-2013, 02:55 PM
"Primula" cheeselike-substance-in-a-tube. It works with the worming pills I give Toffee and Rover before him.

20-05-2013, 04:22 PM
Kizzy has just been to the vet for her annual check and was due a worm pill. The vet asked if I'd like him to give the pill and of course I jumped at the chance! I have never seen a pill dispensed so fast and so easily. All I did was stand behind Kizzy and support her so she couldn't scoot backwards. There should be awards for giving pills to cats!!!