View Full Version : Blood Test Results - Allergy testing

03-05-2013, 01:43 PM
The vet posted Mindy's blood test results out so we could see for ourselves just how severe her allergies are

just some of the foodstuff she is allergic to in varying degrees

White fish,
Salmon (high),
Lamb (high),
Cows milk (high) not that they ever get it.
Rice (high),
Beef (very high),

Doesnt leave much for poor wee cat to enjoy 😞

She is also highly allergic to House dust mites & Storage mites. The latter being present in all dry foods.

Theres also a lot of other things shes highly allergic to :(

03-05-2013, 03:33 PM
Oh my word! :shock: That is going to be a challenge for you to manage :( I can understand how your vet says this is most unusual, poor wee thing will have to live in a bubble, I can't think of how you will feed her, and keep her from environmental factors. I'll search online for any help for you - good luck, you must be so worried xx

03-05-2013, 04:40 PM
Oh my word! :shock: That is going to be a challenge for you to manage :( I can understand how your vet says this is most unusual, poor wee thing will have to live in a bubble, I can't think of how you will feed her, and keep her from environmental factors. I'll search online for any help for you - good luck, you must be so worried xx

I have to confess it is a bit daunting, still we have to give it a try. Vet recommendations

Food - prescription diet Z/D by Hills long term

3 weeks antibiotics

Combination steroids & cyclosporin long term - high doses to be weaned off slowly

Special spray to reduce housedust mites once month x 3 months, then every six months

03-05-2013, 04:44 PM
I don't envy you trying to find foods to keep her happy and healthy, Velvet. I just hope that the medication will make it possible for her to eat something that won't make her flare up.

03-05-2013, 04:52 PM
Goodness - that's some list. I'm sure you'll do your best to find a way round for Mindy. Who knows, with careful management you might be able to reduce her sensitivity to some of the milder allergens over time.

05-05-2013, 11:31 PM
We go for our meeting with the vet tomorrow and to start Mimdy's treatment, Just as well as she's scratched her chin raw today :( She is a nervous cat so not looking forward to annoying her but needs must x