View Full Version : Birthday week

10-04-2013, 10:50 PM
My sister in law introduced me to birthday week a few years ago and it has become a new family tradition. The idea is that you celebrate your birthday for a whole week, it doesn't matter if the week starts or ends with your birthday or if it falls somewhere in the middle of the week, you get to celebrate for a week!

This year birthday week started on sunday.
Romeos birthday is 8th April and he is 1!
We know Missys birthday is around this time of year and she is now 7.
We have no idea when Smudges birthday is, but she was 5 when I first got her and that was 9 years ago, so she is about 14.
They have had lots of tuna, sardines and dreamies and there is plenty more to come! I bought some extra strong catnip for the girls, the boy has not been bothered by it before, but it turns out he's just not very sensitive to it as he was interested in the strong stuff and ate loads of it! Three very happy stoned kittys!




Even though Romeo is bigger than Smudge and he loves to jump on her and chase her around, he knows when he's pushed his luck too far!


She's becoming a proper cuddle bunny as she gets older, and loves to snuggle on a warm lap after a hard day beating up the boy!


11-04-2013, 07:33 AM
Lovely cats :D Smudge is very tolerant of Romeo! Missy is wise enough to stay out of it :lol: Love the last pic of Romeo- he played hard :)

11-04-2013, 02:45 PM
I love the idea of Birthday Week .......... why not make the most of it, people and furbabes all.

I'm not sure which of your kitties is Smudge - is it the little B&W, I had a B&W called Smudge many years ago she was a complete poppet.

11-04-2013, 05:24 PM
Happy birthday week,Romeo,Missy and Smudge xxx.delightful pictures

11-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Yes Smudge is the B&W, small but feisty! She and Missy seem to have come to an uneasy truce, they don't like each other and generally avoid being near the other as much as possible! Neither seems to want to be top cat, so I guess it will be Romeos job when he's big enough! Missy sometimes plays with Romeo, but she just wants a quiet life on the sofa.

11-04-2013, 10:26 PM
Happy Birthday!

.. tell you what, Smudge and my Belle could easily have been sisters!!

12-04-2013, 11:40 AM
a birthday week,why not ,nice bunch of catseys you have :)

12-04-2013, 05:49 PM
What a lovely idea x