View Full Version : Trying to get weight back on Billy. Has anybody tried this?

04-11-2012, 06:24 PM
Hello All :)

Billy is continuing to be cheerful and taking his medication like a good fur-baby, though very fussy about his food.

I was searching for little tricks anyone might have for stimulating their cat's apatite and came across a thread that lead to http://www.felinecrf.org/index.htm (a website I'm already finding very helpful) which mentioned this product http://www.astroscrfoil.com/index.html

It appears to be what I'm looking for - a supplement that helps the cat put on weight whilst not overloading the kidneys.

I know Billy has only lost a very small amount of weight and my vet was basically very happy with his progress so far but I want to get him back up to 3kg and keep him there or above if I can so I'm looking at high-calorie 'tasty bits' or supplements that don't put a burden on his kidneys.

Does anyone know if there's an equivalent of 'Complan' for cats?

05-11-2012, 12:03 AM
Hi Gaina - sorry, I don't know of anything but I wonder if you posted something on the felinecrf support group page you may get an answer from someone who is trying to do the same for their cat?

05-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Hi Gaina - sorry, I don't know of anything but I wonder if you posted something on the felinecrf support group page you may get an answer from someone who is trying to do the same for their cat?

Ooh, thank you angie, I'll go and investigate that! :D

He's decided he loves Sheba Terrines and they are only 2% higher in protein that the prescription food (10% as opposed to 8% in Royal Canin).

The more I read, the more I realize the protein content is still a bit controversial. It seems Phosphorous levels are far more significant in the management of CRF as is the fact your cat is actually eating. The Sheba seems very low in Phosphorous at 0.2g per 100mg so that's good. I found something called 'Sheba Dome Fusions' last night which is designed to tempt cats so I will try that too.

He hasn't gone off his food, he's just very fussy!

05-11-2012, 07:20 PM
The felinecrf.org site was an absolute godsend for me when I was going through all of this with Winston. There ahve been quite a few new breakthroughs since those days with regards to treating crf cats.
The only thing which may be of issue is getting some of the products here in the UK. I used to use a product call pet-tinic but had to order it from USA.
All the very best to you and yours and well done you for doing your research and actually reading the advice offered on the site. xxx

05-11-2012, 07:37 PM
The felinecrf.org site was an absolute godsend for me when I was going through all of this with Winston. There ahve been quite a few new breakthroughs since those days with regards to treating crf cats.
The only thing which may be of issue is getting some of the products here in the UK. I used to use a product call pet-tinic but had to order it from USA.
All the very best to you and yours and well done you for doing your research and actually reading the advice offered on the site. xxx

Thanks Elaine, I actually found Tanya's site when Billy was first diagnosed earlier this year and it did a lot to calm my anxieties about the condition. My vet is great and always keen to talk abut any 'homework' I've being doing and she's really open about treatment options and explaining what's going on thoroughly to me :).

05-11-2012, 09:15 PM
Your vet sounds ideal Gaina. Do let us know if you decide to post on the felinecrf support and if you hear anything good and useful back!

05-11-2012, 09:20 PM
Thats excellent news about your vet, sadly there doesnt seem to be a great deal of vets like yours around.
I recently spoke to a girl, and by the sounds of it her cat has crf, over active thyroid and a uti, her vet told her (with out taking bloods or anything) that the cat was old but wasnt in any pain!
I was spitting feathers when she told me, told her to see another vet asap, the girl is a nurse so I also said to her to think about patients she has seen with failing kidneys etc and how much pain/discomfort did she think they were in? Animals feel it to, they just hide it better.

05-11-2012, 11:51 PM
I've applied to join the Yahoo CRF Group and just been sent an email asking a few questions about me and Billy before they approve my membership :).

Fortunately my Vet practice has won awards for their feline care so I know we're in good hands :).

09-11-2012, 04:48 PM
Mum went to the shops today and bought some 'Sheba Dome Fusions' food. He walloped it off! :-D

It states that you only feed it three times a week. I've been on the brand website but I can't find out why this is? Does anyone else have an idea?

09-11-2012, 07:36 PM
Sheba is more of a complementary food rather than a complete food, meaning that it probably doesnt contain all the nutrients a cat needs and should be used as a treat rather than an everyday food.

09-11-2012, 08:55 PM
Sheba is more of a complementary food rather than a complete food, meaning that it probably doesnt contain all the nutrients a cat needs and should be used as a treat rather than an everyday food.

Thanks Elaine :). Right now trying to keep the weight on him is my priority now his BP is coming under control so I'm happy he likes it. It's only 1.5% more protein than the Royal Canin and I've just emailed the manufacturer to ask about Phosphorus levels.

11-11-2012, 12:01 PM
Hi Gaina - sorry, I don't know of anything but I wonder if you posted something on the felinecrf support group page you may get an answer from someone who is trying to do the same for their cat?

Got an email this morning saying my request to join that Yahoo group was denied. :?

Oh...hang on, they've sent me another questionnaire to fill in! :P