View Full Version : Does catnip drive your cat wild?

17-10-2012, 05:24 PM
Every cat I have ever known has loved catnip, with the exception of Romeo. He likes the smell of it but only in the same way he finds my shoes good to smell. He doesn't get all wild and fruity like the girls do!
I thought he was just too young to be affected by it yet, but when I looked it up I read that kittens as young as 8 weeks are affected. Does that mean it won't ever affect him?

I thought all cats loved it and I was just wondering how many of you have cats who are not affected by the nip!

17-10-2012, 06:57 PM
Good thought to do a Poll - I have 2 cats that love catnip and I grow it specially for them! Our dear departed member Eileen sent me seeds from USA - not sure they are any different from UK seeds but made my two happy pusscats anyway! With the fresh green catnip, they just love to chew on it and maybe go floppy and soppy but with the dried stuff probably because it's stronger, they do sometimes drool. Sorry, not a beautiful picture there!

17-10-2012, 09:06 PM
I thought a poll might be an easy way for some of the newer members to join in. I know that I was a bit reluctant to join in conversations at first (now I'm quite happy to add my two cents!) but I should have added a third option of yes & no for divided housholds!

17-10-2012, 10:43 PM
I out of my 4 goes daft over catnip....

18-10-2012, 10:43 AM
Have never let my cats have Catnip! It's a mind altering drug which I don't want either of them to have. Just my personal view!

18-10-2012, 09:07 PM
Fair enough! I've never really thought about it as a drug, but I suppose it is!

19-10-2012, 09:21 AM
My Skye goes mad with catnip, we have a catnip scratch box which she loves to roll over when we put fresh catnip in it. Harris doesnt bother too much with it.

19-10-2012, 06:52 PM
I sometimes buy a catnip mouse for Minnie,she goes mad for it when i first buy it,she rubs it and washes it like crazy then the novelty seems to wear off and she discards it.:lol: She seems more interested in the bag it came in. :?

22-12-2012, 05:40 PM
The majority of cats and kittens love catnip, and usually go crazy for it, though some cats are known to just like to eat/smell it, and aren't effected.

Most likely your cat will just stay uneffected.

I've just bought a packet of it for my kitten, and will use it over Christmas, hopefully she will enjoy it! :)

23-12-2012, 06:35 AM
Most of ours do, some more than others x