View Full Version : Experience with Ruptured Anal Glands?

24-08-2012, 10:11 AM
Hi All! I am new to this board and would like to know if anyone has had experience with their cat's anal gland rupturing.

Some History: Van is a ten year old gray domestic with medium hair who has been healthy everyday of her life. On Saturday morning I noticed that wherever she sat down she was leaving a spot from her behind. At first I thought she had had diarrhea and she couldn't clean it off. Well, she wouldn't let me go anywhere near her behind so I tried to wipe off what I could and then left her alone. A little while later I noticed that she kept licking her legs and tail and that she was really wet on her backside. I got her to roll over and I noticed an area to the left of her anus that looked like a blister had popped. That's when I got scared and called the vet. Lucikly I got her in right away and the doctor discovered that one of her anal glands had ruptured! She had to stay the night so the vet could shave her behind, get everything cleaned up and get her on antibiotics. It turns out that this is the worst infection that the doctor has ever seen. I brought her home Sunday and am currently giving her antibiotics twice a day (a joy for both of us) and putting a cream into the hole that is in her bum from the ruptured gland. We go back for a follow-up tomorrow morning.

She seems pretty much back to normal except she has not had a bowel movement since before the rupture on Saturday. She has eaten and urniated but nothing else. Now the doctor may put her on a stool softener if she hasn't gone before our appointment tomorrow.

Now that all that is out I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through this with their cat and what the end result was. Did kitty get back to "normal"? Did this turn into a chronic problem? Any advice/experience/stories are appreciated.

Thank You!http://btvsoloweb.com/home/index.jpg

24-08-2012, 03:43 PM
Hello Robin!welcome to Catsey.sorry to hear about Van's problem. I've never come across this before but hope she's feeling better soon.I'd guess that it is important to try and keep her stools soft to prevent it happening ?

24-08-2012, 04:20 PM
Hi Robin623 - poor Van. No experience of ruptured anal glands, but I would guess that Shelley's comment about helping keep her stools softer is a good one as there must be some reason why the gland ruptured. I wonder if it's a bit like human haemorrhoids and need not be a problem once healed and the cause treated? I hope so.