View Full Version : Boys or girls

07-07-2012, 12:15 AM
I'm sure this has been done to death on here but I'm curious as to people's opinions on it! What's best boy cats or girl cats? Princes or Princesses?

I know they all have different natures, I'm just interested in what you all think. I currently have a ragdoll mix, she's a little girl and is so playful and loving, and in just over a week we get two new ragdolls as I get to welcome a brother and sister duo into our home! Wonder if I'll see a big difference with the little boy...

Can't wait to see how they all interact and how they develop and play.

Looking forward to your views and your chat xxx

07-07-2012, 03:32 PM
My own personal preference is for male cats I've had 4:1 male/female. My old girlie, Fifi, who we lost back in May was the most adorable darling, but somehow I've always bonded easier and quicker with the boy cats we've had/have. But that's just me . . .

You already have a female cat dont you? Maybe someone can advise regarding the relative ease of introducing younger males or females to an existing female?

07-07-2012, 03:45 PM
Yeah that would be helpful. I've been reading up about scent swapping and bringing the new kittens home and keeping them in one room for a few days etc. Would be great if anyone has any hands on experience or advice.

Our original plan was to get another female kitten then when we saw the brother sister combo we decided on both. They were inseparable, playing together, sleeping together and I felt I couldn't separate them!

Our current cat (well kitten, she's 9 month) Is a real sweetheart, she's a crazy kitty with bags of personality and a keen eye for any available warm lap! She already shares her home with a golden retriever and our house is big so I'm not anticipating too many problems BUT that said I'm not naive enough to assume it will all be plain sailing.


07-07-2012, 06:16 PM
I have always had boys, find them really affectionate...The only time I had a girl was a foster kitten, and she had cattitude big time!

07-07-2012, 06:26 PM
Aw really, your opinion seems to be the majority as most people I've spoken to seem to say girls can be more aloof and independent where as boys seem to more cuddly and loving x

07-07-2012, 07:13 PM
i have 1 of each. my male cat harris is the most dominant but i think thats because he was here first before we introduced my girl skye. Harris is alot more outgoing and a tad hyper, skye is very affectionate but also timid with new people. both are rescue cats aswell

07-07-2012, 08:07 PM
I would have agreed about male cats being more affectionate until Kizzy arrived. She is a rescue and has been with me for just over 3 years now, and is approx 5 years old. She is the most cuddly and affectionate cat I've had (only 4 in total, so not many) but she is very shy of other people and they think she's aloof but she and I just love each other!

Kizzy had been with us for about 4 months when we bought Pip, aged 9 weeks boy kitten home. They didn't bond immediately but there were no fights. Pip is now 3 years old and they do have the occasional spat, but generally get along very well. They do occasionally sleep together and groom each other - actually Pip is more likely to groom Kizzy than the other way round. Best thing we did as it really helped Kizzy come out of herself and she learned how to play.

Good luck with your introductions - when are your kittens arriving?

08-07-2012, 08:44 AM
They arrive home on the 18th July. I'm counting sleeps like a child at Christmas! Going to order a couple of cat trees and some new toys. It's so exciting preparing for arrivals x

09-07-2012, 02:06 AM
We have two boys and three girls, find the girls softer and more gentle whilst the boys can be more fiesty. I don't think ay are more affectionate unless am in bed then theythey like to cuddle up. The three girls are not fussed with being lifted, they will tolerate it for a very short while. Tim will tolerate it longer and our kitten is just a kitten yet. They are just all their own wee individual selves x

09-07-2012, 10:50 AM
My two are both female and I cann't form any real opinion, because ive only had these two female cats. But they are both, in their different ways, very very affectionate. Joy sits up besides me and wants her tummy cuddled and stroked and Beau keeps brushing up against me waiting for her stroke along her back and around her neck. Beau will disapear in the house, but always comes down to make sure someone is around to stroke her. Joy just keeps around and makes sure she is by one of us all the time, so if we move upstairs it's never long before we are joined by one or both!! We had a choice when we bought them to have one of each or two girls, and decided on the two girls and I am sure that was the best choice !

09-07-2012, 11:36 AM
Aw it sounds that like us they all have their own personality. I was always cautious about getting a boy due to the worry of them spraying in the house but from what I read if neutered then it shouldn't (in most cases) be a problem x

09-07-2012, 12:08 PM
I hate to be a spoiler here Mrskatyb, but neutered males and females can and do spray, mostly if they are feeling anxious or insecure for any reason. The odour isn't as overpowering as with a tom cat, but it's still pretty potent!

09-07-2012, 07:46 PM
I had a boy cat(toby) and he was very loving but to me only.:)
I have a girl cat now (minnie)and she is just as loving but to both of us.She is more demanding than Toby was but my husband says that any cat we had would turn out loving and soppy because of the way i treat them.:D

11-07-2012, 12:26 AM
I think every cat is different regardless of gender, especially when I look through forums such as this. Some owners say their boys are more laid back while others are certain their girls are more laid back.

In my personal experience the four boys I've kept have always been more laid back in general, but are more boisterous when in play mode, and more enthusiastic with their affection. The three females I have kept have all been extremely affectionate but in general easier to startle and more flighty. The girls seem just as playful as boys, just in a more delicate way.

I've only had to do 2 sets of introductions at home. First was when introducing Willow (I hand reared her from 2.5 weeks old at a rescue I worked at) who was 8 weeks when introduced to Sami and Felix my two confident and boisterous brothers. They were used to her smell as I had brought home clothes worn at the rescue and bedding from her pen. They still freaked though. It was funny, two fully grown large males terrified of this tiny little fluffy girl. They reacted like she was some monstrous cat eating demon. Willow barely gave them a second glance, she was so relaxed and trusting. I think it was this that won them over. They eventually got up the nerve to investigate her, flinching or darting away at the slightest of movement. But they became fast friends and bonded really well.

The second introduction was no where as easy as that though. I was introducing a then 16 year old Sookie to Sami (who was 8yrs), Felix(8yrs) and Willow(6yrs). Sookie was an old fighter, with one hell of an attitude towards other cats. Sami and Felix did not like her one bit (Willow didn't care at all, and never had any issues with Sookie.) Her body language just got their backs up, and it took a very long time to get past that. Firstly they could not be in the same room as each other without being held onto, so we had to segregate the house. Upstairs was Sookie's and downstairs belonged to the other three. We brought them all together daily (often several times a day), for very short periods initially, then as time drew on we lengthened the periods. It took over a year for them to be trusted not to claw each other's eyes out, but we got there eventually.

I doubt you will have many problems introducing kittens to a 9 month old. Young cats, especially kittens are incredibly adaptable. At such a young age their curiosity tends to get the better of them which really helps the introduction process.

Your 9mo will probably feel threatened by the two new arrivals, and will need reassurance from you. She will also have to be allowed to tell the kits that she is boss, which will mean a few bats around the head and a fair bit of growling and posturing. Try not to undermine her too much or you will hurt her pride, but don't let her terrify the kits either. Distraction is a wonderful tool, use it to your advantage. Keep some nice tender slices of chicken to hand and some feather toys. Distract the younger kits with toys if they start to annoy your older kit, and reassure her with treats. It's all about positive reinforcement. Treat them all for being confident with food-treats and play. Try not to raise your voice if they misbehave during the introductory stage, just distract them. You will probably end up with all three chasing feather toys together or purring adoringly around your ankles in hope for treats from you in no time.

13-07-2012, 02:54 PM
Thanks for all the replies and advice, the two new arrivals comemhome Wednesday.
Atracattus do you recommend I keep the kittens in one room for a few days?x