View Full Version : Please take care!

04-11-2011, 08:29 PM
It's that time of the year again......fireworks, sparklers and huge bonfires. This coming week will probably be full of fireworks being let off every night..:roll:

Most of the accidents at this time of the year happen to children and pets, so please take care with your little ones.

Also, make sure your all animals are safely indoors after dark. Every year animals suffer physically and mentally during November as a result of noisy firework displays and inconsiderate people. Turn the radio or television up louder to help drown the noise of what's going on outside...

It's far better to have a safe pet than a traumatised one.

Enjoy yourselves but please stay safe everyone!:)

05-11-2011, 02:14 AM
Good advice. We celebrate Halloween over here and then theynuse 5th Nov as an excuse to celebrate again :/

05-11-2011, 09:33 AM
Fireworks been going on from mid Oct here - though last night was definitely the noisiest.

Cloud looked at me in wide eyed amusement from the noise "what on earth are they doing!!?!" and then went and watched some of the street show!

05-11-2011, 09:58 AM
Several loud 'POP's here throughout the night, it's been going on for the past couple of evenings, it must frighten the animals something rotten. My dear fox family (minus dear mum who got shot in August *angry* and who I've been observing for the past 6 years) were a little scarce yesterday eve, it'll be the 1st time the youngsters have heard fireworks so they are probably a mite confused! ..

Fireworks were confined to November 5th and NYE when I was a kid. It seems the 'noisy human season' now starts in October and goes right through until early Jan'!

05-11-2011, 05:46 PM
Oh how I wish that fireworks were just kept to NOV 5TH ONLY . **sorry to be such a kill joy**
Last night around 11 p.m. some fireworks went off in the park across the road from me (sounded like an explosion) and I don't know who jumped more me or the kitten!

Anyway hope all the sensible people have a happy Nov 5th and the little squirrels in the park stay safe.

Susan Xx

06-11-2011, 11:10 AM
Just been walking around the garden with Chesi in my arms and spotted a used firework casing in the magnolia tree :0 ..plus a used firework casing on the grass. Yesterday there was a plastic shell in my driveway. Glad I kept him in, I swear the fireworks were extra loud and extra close this year. Blimmen things! *Bah humbug*

06-11-2011, 02:39 PM
we have been lucky this year, there havent been many fireworks going off thankfully. My 2 were tucked up in the house with the tv up loud and when we came back in, they came to meet us as usual at the door and didnt seem at all phazed by any fireworks that might have gone off