View Full Version : Do ginger cats attract other cats?

28-10-2011, 02:05 PM
Since I got Oliver last year, we seem to have 2 more gingers hanging around the place. One of them is the double of Oliver, but has a grumpy look on his face! It stays at a house at the end of our street, but it seems to always be hanging around ours. Then thers ginge who has almost moved in. No other cats hang around, only those ginger ones. Am sure it must have something to do with the colouring! The grumpy one was on his way in with a dead mouse a wee while ago. I had to hunt him cos we have enough of those to deal with, thanks to Olly!

28-10-2011, 03:55 PM
Can't venture a guess about that; my childhood cat was the only ginger I've ever had and I don't recall other cats hanging about .....

28-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Don't suppose Pip counts as he's really more white than ginger. I don't think there are any ginger cats in our area.

Interesting theory though and as "birds of a feather flock together", who knows, it could be true!

28-10-2011, 06:20 PM
My previous cat, Sam was an all ginger tabby. Although there were a couple of other ginger cats around the area, I was never aware of any cats at all hanging around our garden.

28-10-2011, 07:28 PM
I didnt know of any other ginger cats until Oliver. Then suddenly these ginger cats are appearing at my door! Poor Benny, hes black and white. Hes more or leass moved across the road. I hope it isnt anything racial! lol