View Full Version : Stevie <3

22-10-2011, 01:28 PM
Hello, just thought I'd let you know how Stevie has settled in!

Well I've just checked how long he's been here as to me it feels like he's been here for so long :D but, its only been 5 weeks!

He's settled in really and well and I think he has now realized that he's not leaving. He had to be convinced after a hairy incident of me opening the living room window and him trying to climb out of it. Which may not sound major but, I live in a first floor flat!

We've settled in to a nice (for Stevie) routine. Which consists of Stevie coming in between 8-9 and crying at me until I've woken up. If the crying doesn't work he proceeds to use the claws to the face. OH gets left alone in the mornings. I get up feed him and then flake out on the sofa (I've been on the sick for the last few weeks so have had no real need to go out so lying down on the sofa is the most comfy position) Stevie comes in after being fed and proceeds to sit on my chest and head but me several times and then goes to sleep.

Bought him a cat tree! That has been used the grand total of 3 times. Even with me leaving tasty treats up there and a favorite toy he would still rather sit on the window sill next to it! His favorite toy is a red laser mouse. As soon as you touch it he's ready and waiting.

He spends about half hour most evenings with his ears pinned back to his head running around like a looney! Then he'll just stop lie down and go to sleep!

Will add some photos to the appropriate thread!

Thanks for reading this little essay!

22-10-2011, 02:58 PM
Glad all goes well with Stevie settling in. I can well believe the shock of him attempting to get out of the window!!!

22-10-2011, 03:11 PM
I'm so glad he's settled in with you. Not sure about the claws on the face .... ouch! and yes, the window incident would be a major cause for alarm. Luckily for me, I live in a bungalow :D :D

I look forward to seeing photos!

22-10-2011, 03:33 PM
Squirrel and AngieH luckily my big windows have child locks on them so they only open an inch which is a lot safer thankfully.

The claws to the face wasn't sharp and didn't leave a mark I just think it was more of a 'if I put my paw on your face you're likely to wake up' moment.

Also forgot to mention his ability to attack anything that moves whether it be big (my everton football top as I was putting it on) or small (my iphone head phones whether they be in my ears, pocket or on the floor.)

22-10-2011, 03:55 PM
JuJu Stevie sounds like a real character, and full of cheekiness and games! Mitzi uses the gentle tap tap with the claws in the face routinely too (it used to be just paws but with her age her claws are not as retractable as they used to be), but yes, I know what its like as I get batted frequently in the night for chin tickles, sometimes she'll have me on 'slave duty' like that for hours on end, bless her until she falls asleep content. I hope you're on the mend soon juju.

Angieh I live in a bungalow too, so no falling out of windows worry there. One of the many advantages I guess of living in a bungalow.

22-10-2011, 04:11 PM
Oh bless! I was wondering why the window concern when it dawned on me that the "first floor" is what we call the second floor !! Yes, that would have worried me too... scary.

22-10-2011, 04:34 PM
Truth he is! If anyone enters the bathroom his routine is to jump on the bath then on to the sink and sit there and cry until you leave the bathroom. The OH think it's because he uses the toilet as his water bowl (yuck!) so does not want people entering there. Got a slipped disc which plays up every now and again! But on the mend thanks :D

Dandysmom I normally call it the 2nd floor but get shouted at by the OH!