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23-09-2011, 12:40 AM
Hello :) me again!

As some of you may know I adopted Stevie nearly a week ago (my how time flies!) he has to be an indoor cat for three reasons mainly! 1 because he has 1 functioning eye, 2 because he no depth perception and as I have found out twice tonight he can climb up things but, getting down is impossible (if too high) and will just sit there and cry until someone comes to his rescue! and 3 because I live in a flat.

I'm writing to ask for advice and maybe some tips to stop boredom! He has toys; balls, mice, zebra on a stick, feather that whirls around in a circle, scratch post (would rather use my divan bed thought) a ball that gives out treats among other things.

Will be investing in a cat tree tomorrow and a few other toys (a laser toy, one that hangs in the door way and what looks like a toy mouse with octopus legs)

However, Stevie was a stray so is used to being let/living outside. I can cat proof my balcony so he can go out there but, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on what I can do to help Stevie settle as an indoor cat only. And any suggestions for toys to stop him being bored.

Sorry if this is long winded but I'm a rambler :D

23-09-2011, 10:02 AM
My cats have always been fond of screwed up bits of paper and bits of string ..... I found that a bit of string threaded through a plastic drink bottle top, tied and then frayed out a bit is a huge hit; but it does need you to drag it around for Stevie to chase so not perfect if you are away from your flat. A cat tree is a good idea and hopefully he will like it once he's got used to climbing up - as you say he has trouble getting down! Cardboard boxes are good too.

It is certainly a good idea to enrich his surroundings as much as possible - I expect others will be able to suggest other ways to make life as interesting as possible for Stevie. Good luck!

23-09-2011, 11:11 AM
Thanks Angie :) gave him an old box he looked at me as if I was stupid!

As long as he has away of getting back down he's ok but he climbs up the bookcase so gets stuck! He could jump but he doesn't seem too confident on jumping. So hopefully the cat tree will build his confidence! Ordered it today not sure how long delivery takes though!

23-09-2011, 03:28 PM
Ping pong balls are always a favorite, as are wadded up balls of aluminum foil .......

24-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Ooo ping pong balls I didn't think of those!! A lot more unpredictable than the cat balls you can buy! I'm going to invest in some for Stevie!

Thanks for you your help Dandymom

24-09-2011, 05:25 PM
harris loves boxes and i bought them a huge scratch tree with loads of bits to climb on. i think it also helps that i have 2 in the house. they love their toys though and constantly run about with them

24-09-2011, 05:49 PM
He has a scratch tree in the post! Can't wait to see him on it! Where did you get your scratch tree from? I can't get one that is too big as he's not very good at getting down from high places!

I don't think Stevie tolerates other cats and he needs to settle in first!

He loves balls! So I think scrunched up foil will be the next 1 to try.

24-09-2011, 08:21 PM
i got mine from zooplus. fantastic for getting things for our feline furry friends. theres also a toy called Da Burd that you can get from amazon and its great. My 2 go nuts for it when i bring it out

25-09-2011, 01:00 PM
That's where I got Stevie's from. I have got him a bird that hangs in the door frame. Can't wait for it to come in the post

26-09-2011, 08:40 PM
Dandysmom good call on the ping pong balls! He LOVES them!!

So a big high four off Stevie

26-09-2011, 08:58 PM
Glad he approves! Have you tried throwing one in the bath tub ..... that can be fun!

26-09-2011, 09:18 PM
Not yet but he is playing with 1 as we speak it's gone behind the sofa now though