View Full Version : Iron Rich Diet

07-07-2011, 11:18 PM
Hi, my 14 year old boy Henry has just been diagnosed with hyperthyroid and anaemia.

He is being treated from the thyroid problem with meds but the vet just told me to feed him steak for the anaemia!!

Anyone have any ideas regarding food that I can give to him to help his iron intake??

Thanks :D

08-07-2011, 07:18 AM



Did your vet say how bad the anaemia was? I really would have thought they would have given him a vitamin injection to combat this.

17-08-2011, 05:39 PM
From experience my cats have raw steak mince, or cubed steak, once or twice a week, and raw chicken too; they are both elderly, one is on meds, but it really does seem to perk them up.
It must be fresh, you can chop it up and put it in the ice cube tray and freeze it if you get alot or just have the one cat to feed, then just knock it out when needed to defrost in the fridge or on the counter. My boy has just got back from the vets and the 1st thing he has gone for is the raw steak.My 2 also love to lick any left over blood, but again it must be fresh out of the fridge and fresh.