View Full Version : This is really stupid

29-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Last time dylanstroker and I visited the charity I volunteered at (stopped volunteering there last year because I was moving) I met a cat who I can't forget. It's driving me crazy!

We can't take her at the moment because we are in rented and the landlord only said yes to one cat aka Dylan.

Any suggestions on how to get her out of my head? Obviously if she's still there when dylanstroker and I have bought somewhere then we would adopt her but as things stand we can't.

(Adding the write up from the website - might add her picture later)
Mods you can move, delete or lock this thread if you like.)


Domestic Short Hair
Female Cat
Aged 3 years and 1 months
Time in homing centre 7 weeks.

Smartie has a very loving nature, she loves strokes, sitting on your lap and cuddles. She loves chasing games and toys and is very playful. She is very talkative but she dislikes being on her own.

29-06-2011, 04:23 PM
RCR .......... it's hard when you see any animal that clutches at your heart. You can rationalise the whys and wherefores of not being able to take her on really until you are blue in the face but it won't help. Talking about her here will either help you "air" the problem or will be rather like rubbing salt in. You know you can't take her, your circumstances don't permit and Dylan needs a settling down time. That's the way to do it I think, concentrate on Dylan's needs for a while and let thoughts of this other cat fade.

Sorry if this sounds in any way harsh, it's not meant to be. I am sure you are sensible enough to put this to one side.