View Full Version : Finally Friday

10-06-2011, 10:13 AM
Morning everyone.

Sorry for the non posting yesterday. Was on an early shift then had a few things to do when i came home then we were down at OH's folks house as his aunt is over from Canada and she goes home on Saturday morning.

Today is kinda an exciting day as it is my last shift in Go Outdoors!!!!! I start my new job on Monday so looking forward to that. On a late shift today so wont finish until 830pm :( then its off to tesco on the way home for a few things as OH is out tonight. Late night as i will be picking him up from his friends house later as he has picked me up from places loads at night. :)

Hoe you all have a great day, will hopefully check in tonight when i get home from work :p

10-06-2011, 10:26 AM
Hope your dy goes well Pamela. How nice to be on last day at work before you start your new job. :)

Quiet day planned here - PJ day most likely. It's quite sunny out too - though alternating between blue skies, cloudy, and total overcast...

Have a good day all. :)

10-06-2011, 10:31 AM
Im off to M& S shortly. One at shop

Was sunny about hour ago, now very dull :(

Got kat kradle for the radiator yesterday - after 4 very unsuccessful attemPts to put together (kept falling apart) packed it away & will ask my sis in law tonight to do it!

10-06-2011, 02:20 PM
hi everyone!
sorry i am kind of here and there. a few health scares with two ferrets and looking for a new vehicle have left me distracted. just wanted to check in and say we're all fine here.

10-06-2011, 02:33 PM
afternoon all, Tink , hope the ferrets are ok ?
Pamela, hope your last day at work goes well.
Kate i hope you enjoy your nice quiet day.
Been to work this morning and now just having a bit of a sit down watching a Holby city i taped.
Going to a Crystal worshop tonight, no idea realy what it will be like.
I think i mentioned earlier in the week that a parcel containing a doll i sent to a customer on ebay didn't arrive. Yesterday i refunded her and today the doll has arrived back here, apparently they were unable to deliver it and then it wasn't picked up from the post office.

10-06-2011, 03:01 PM
Hi everyone

Sunshine and heavy showers here - had hail earlier. My gardening man has dug FYM and some new top soil into my two raised beds this morning, ready for planting mangetoute and dwarf French beans. OH and I have got the grow bags into the greenhouse and built a cane frame for support. I have planted up two of the grow bags. A little later than usual, but the firm lost my order and I only received delivery yesterday. Really good value - clicked on a ad link here on Catsey!

I'm glad the doll turned up Shelley - it's horrid when things go missing. I've had a run of bad luck of things going missing, one to DVLA I am still crossing fingers will be delivered to them as it contains my birth and marriage certificates and they won't accept copies. That's my compost order (now sorted); Pip's PetPlan claim - I have heard no more so will have to phone again to check they received the fax from the vet and my photo driving licence. Still as things go in 3s I hope that will be the end of it for a bit.

Hope your last day at GOO is OK Pamela; have a good relaxing day Squirrel - you need that at the moment; Velvet - hope you get something nice at M&S, I always gravitate to the food dept.!; Tink, sorry to hear that you've been having ferret worries and car quandries; enjoy the crystal workshop Shelley - hope you find "your" ideal crystal.

I also hope that Kazz's parents are on the mend today.

10-06-2011, 04:08 PM
Hi all! Not as hot as yesterday, tied the old record of 102 F(didn't look up the C, but that's hot!); right now it's only 27 C (81 F), loads of sun and a nice breeze, Maybe t'storms this afternoon; we do need rain, but a nice gentle one. Chris over yesterday as we wrapped china and glassware for the move; the stuff I'm not taking will to to his Mom's church which is having a large yard sale in September. That's a good cause, sure they can use the money. I have an afternoon appointment with the pulmonologist; hope she'll let me get off the oxygen a bit .... cross fingers, please!

That's all the news here, Pamela, not much of a break between jobs! Enjoy the weekend. Tink, sorry the ferrets are not well; what sort of vehicle: car or truck? Shelley, will you try again with the parcel, so annoying!! Velvet, I hate "some assembly required" things ... hope SIL can cope. Squirrel, a quiet day sounds like a fine idea. Hail, Angie? Weird weather.

Best birthday gift for Kazz would be good news about her parents health!

Enjoy the day ....

10-06-2011, 04:34 PM
Good afternoon all, it's been a bit of an up and down day today. Got off to a good start at Curves, monthly weigh in - lost 4lb and total inches lost since October now over 16!

Weather quite dodgy, nice enough to plant out my antirrhinums (?spelling) but then throws massive showers.

My dear aunt is recovering from having her toes amputated, she has inoperable thrombosis and this is a result of dry gangrene to her foot- poor soul has Alzheimers too, so has really gone through the mill at aged 93. She was fully with it and well until a year ago, then went rapidly down hill. I miss her very much as she was like a grandma to me, it's so distressing.

Good luck with the move Eileen, hope Leia stays out of the boxes :) Pamela, hope you enjoy your last day at this job.
Angie, I know what you mean about losing documents- my original birth and wedding certs went missing after an insurance claim, I'm positive they we never returned to me, but they dispute that. I sent online for duplicates, but its not the same. Shelley, do tell about the crystals- 'm keen to know. :)

I have a question for you all in cat related chat. Hope you can help. x

10-06-2011, 06:09 PM
PP, sorry to hear about your aunt, poor lady.

10-06-2011, 08:09 PM
So very sorry about your aunt PP - I really sympathise.

10-06-2011, 08:27 PM
Symparthy about your aunt; so sad.

10-06-2011, 09:00 PM
Hello all

Good news..................both now home.........Yipee.

10-06-2011, 09:49 PM
Yippee indeed; great news! :D