View Full Version : Lazy Sunday

05-06-2011, 10:31 AM
Look at me lying in til 9.45 :shock:
Did have a toilet trip at 6am and saw to Posh but went back -for an hour, so I thought. Weird dreams tho, characters from Coronation St, and Charles from Bargain Hunt- what the heck ???:? :lol:

Cloudy but warm here today, supposed to be raining but lets just see shall we?;)

Ironing to tackle and dinner to prepare, laters x

05-06-2011, 11:11 AM
Morning PP and all to follow! Gloomy day here but we've had no rain yet. Really thought we'd get a storm yesterday evening, but only the wind got a bit alarming at times.

OH has just popped out to visit his Mum and to go on to the driving range. I need to go out this afternoon to find some grow bags for my tomato plants.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday, even if they don't have much sun!

05-06-2011, 12:36 PM
Hello everyone, i'm back.
We had a great time in Scotland, it was a lovely area, so lovely that we are toying with the idea of buying a static there.
The only problem with the site is there's no WIFI, i have missed you all.
Have plenty of pics but my laptop has broken and they are all on there.
Been to a carboot this morning and found some nice dolls and childs chair. I was realy pleased to find a little Black winkie doll from the 60's, all in diving gear. Unfortunately i later lost it as the carrier bag had a split in it.
Look foward to catching up with you all.

05-06-2011, 12:40 PM
Hi Shelley - nice to see you back, glad you had a good week. Shame about the doll.

05-06-2011, 03:26 PM
hello!! i am having a laaaaaaazy sunday too :D but PP i didnt get out of my bed until 1pm :oops: :oops: .

glad you had a nice time shelley :)

not got too much planned for today, catching up on some tv on my recorded list and some general lazing around :p

have a nice day all!

05-06-2011, 04:01 PM
Hi, people. Gloomy and cool today, heavy cloud cover, 20 C (68 F); supposed to clear and a bit of sun by afternoon, but doesn't look like it may happen. Up at my usual 9 am, for once Leia came and yowled at me for breakfast; she normally waits like a good girl! Must have been hungry. Lugged some more books downstairs to be boxed, but an planning a lazy afternoon with paper and crossword. Broiled rainbow trout for dinner! :D

Shelley, glad you're back and had a good time, what is a static? Sorry about the wee doll. Angie, how is MIL doing these days? And how's your nasty cold? Lynz, a lazing day for me too! PP, you did have a good lie-in, must gave needed it.

Stay well, people, enjoy the day.....

05-06-2011, 04:16 PM
Hey all... quiet day here once I got back from church. Wasn't up til 9 again. Could so easily get into the habit of that, but think work might have something to say about that!!!

Eileen, a static is a caravan which doesn't move from its spot. Has the anchor feet, but no wheels, and is usually quite a bit longer than the ones which a car would pull...

That is a pity about the doll Shelley.

05-06-2011, 05:49 PM
Afternoon all

Lazy Sunday here too.

05-06-2011, 08:20 PM
i was working today. Came home and OH still not well, he has that horrid cold that i had but seems worse than i had it. Just home tonight watching tv and of course spoling the munchkins!! :)

Hope you all have a good saturday night x

05-06-2011, 09:04 PM
afternoon, all.
the last three days it's been lovely summer weather here!
solomon cuddled with me for a good portion of the night :D

cats' staff
05-06-2011, 10:24 PM
Evening all. I need to go to work for a rest! This weekend I have collected a Freelander load of soil improver to finish filling a new raised bed at the allotment, dusted and vacuumed the whole house (loads of cat hair as usual) and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, done the weekly shop, been to two garden centres to find peat free growbags, weeded the garden (I HATE bindeweed), planted out various things in the garden, gone for a run and managed my farthest distance (12.5k!), made breakfast muffins for the week..... oh and watched badgers!
and now it's raining :D everything I've planted will get a good soaking.

05-06-2011, 10:53 PM
OMG! Wore me out just reading that! What do you and Kazz take? A week's worth of chores there ... well. at least 3 days. :mrgreen: Seriously, I'm impressed, a good day's work; you'll sleep well tonight. no doubt. :D