View Full Version : Advice for moving home...

05-06-2011, 12:46 AM
We have been looking for a new home for ages, and finally we are on the move. We are moving in September - all being well. Anyway, the cats have only lived in this house. I know it is months away, but does anybody have any advice on how to make the move less stressful on the cats? I have heard all sorts of stories about cats running away, been given advice on keeping the cats in for weeks on end before letting them out etc. All advice will be greatfully received!! I have always promised Vinnie a nice big house with plenty of trees of his own... and now that we are getting it, I am worried I am going to lose him :-(

05-06-2011, 10:42 AM
On moving-day, keep the cats in a room that you don't need to move much from until the very end. When you only have the kit in that room left to move, move the cats straight into a room at the new place that has been set up with (some of) their old furniture and leave them there (big notice on the door to NOT open it - movers made aware that they must leave the cat rooms at both ends completely alone - if you can lock the door, do so).
Let the cats become well familiar and comfortable with their first room, use this time to furnish the rest of the house to your liking, then gradually increase to the rest of the house. I would keep my cats in for at least a week until they know that this is their new home and safe place. If you have easy access to Feliway plug-ins that might speed things up.
I would then let mine out on harness and lead until they run for home when they feel insecure. The last may not be possible for you unless you cats have been on a lead before. :)

Follow your gut instinct - you know your cats and you know best what they can deal with.

06-06-2011, 02:23 PM
I did that with my 2. As soon as we got to the new house, I put them in a room which had a lock and key, then locked it. This made sure the removal men didnt go in that room. They spent 2 days up there under the bed. Mindy did come down and went outside straight away. She loved it! Molly took a little longer, but we did manage to get her to come downstairs and outside for a wee while (I went with her), but she kept running in at the slightest noise and straight back upstairs again. All in all it took about 2 weeks for them to settle and in the end both loved it.

06-06-2011, 03:51 PM
The night before I moved we went to the new house with an old favorite chair, litter and food and water dishes, put in a back room. Next morning took my cat up before the movers got here; left him in the room with huge sign saying not to open... cat!!!

He finally came slinking downstairs after the movers had gone ... been shrieking non-stop for hours, he was Siamese. He investigated everything, seemed reassured that the furniture, etc. smelled the same. and was actually quite settled by dinner time.

Because of traffic and other problems all of mine have been indoors only; so have no advice in letting outside..... good luck!