View Full Version : Upset & worried

01-04-2011, 11:39 PM
Katies renal disease is getting worse. She has lost muscle mass. She was put back onto antibiotics last week because she was leaving damp patches & her protein levels were very high. The antibiotics arent working. She is deteriorating.

Today she wet her bed at lunchtime & twice tonIght. The duvet beds are waterproof beds from Rosie's days - they are a godsend as you only have to wash the covers. As she was lying on the floor i saw it dribbling from her - shes totally unaware

Im taking her to the vet in the morning along with Harvey who is due his booster.

Its barely 9 months from we lost Rosie to Liver disease. My dad died suddenly 12 months ago & yesterday we learned that my older brother has prostate cancer.

Tonight i feel numb :(

01-04-2011, 11:43 PM
I'm so very sorry you are going through such a rough time, Velvet :(

Thinking of you and Katie ...*hugs*

01-04-2011, 11:49 PM
im so sorry your dealing with all this at the one time, unfortunately life gives us blows like that sometimes :(
hoping everything works out for your brother and that katie can be kept as comfortable as possible x x x

if you need to rant or let anything out etc, pm me anytime.

01-04-2011, 11:55 PM
So sorry to read this Velvet...Hope they can help her at the vets tomorrow...Thinking of both you and Katie...xx

02-04-2011, 07:32 AM
Oh No Velvet. *hugs*

How hard to hear that. Poor Katie. And poor you, that the medication she's on to be so obviously failing like that. Plus, as you said, everything else that you're dealing with right now.

I do so hope that the vet is able to help her, and that she's back to her normal self again soon.

*more hugs*

02-04-2011, 08:28 AM
Helen , i have just seen your post and i'm so sorry.
I do hope the vets can do something for Katie.
It must have been a nightmare to lose your dad, i can't imagine what you feel like.
I hope the prognosis for your brother is good.

02-04-2011, 10:49 AM
I am so sorry Velvet - hopefully you will be shown a light at the end of your dark tunnel soon ((((hugs)))). I do hope that the vet can suggest something else for Katie and also that your brother can be helped.

02-04-2011, 01:08 PM
What a horrid time you are having. Poor Katie, at least she is unware so not stressed by weeing without knowing.

I do hope that the vet suggests something that helps her.

Hope also that the prognosis for your brother is favourable.

(((hugs))) for you.

02-04-2011, 01:20 PM
I am so sorry that you have so much to deal with at the moment. Allow yourself to feel upset and make sure you look after yourself right now. sending hugs xxxx

02-04-2011, 01:33 PM
soo sorry to hear about what a terrible time you are having.

hugs from us xxxx

02-04-2011, 03:55 PM
Too many bad things all at once .... so so sorry. (((hugs))), and prayers for your brother ..........

02-04-2011, 04:10 PM
just wondering how you got on with Katie at the vets, Helen ?

02-04-2011, 09:19 PM
Welll ive cautiously good news, i say cautiously because the bloods showed one of her levels (creatine) has got worse however the vet does not think the renal disease is the real problem. The increased levels will make her drink more & because the kidneys are weakened it isnt so easy for her to "control" her outtake & he thinks we are dealing with *incontinence so we are home armed with Propalin drops to try in the first instance.

Things have changed a lot from we last had a bitch with this type of *problem! If the Propalin doesnt work we can try oestrogen & if thats not effective they can *do surgery to help the problem

So, the news is brighter & I have munchkins home looking bright as a button. Unusually for her she was naughty in the way home & jumped the front dog guard into the front of the car which i would have thought impossible to do! *She wanted to be beside me :) that of course set the car seat alarm off - eventful drive!! *Had to pull in & clip the belt & "softy" (me) *let Katie stay where she was, hoping she wouldnt wet on the car seat - thankfully she didnt!!

Harvey wowed everyone he saw at the Vets, all thought he*was lovely. Got his jab & clean bill of health for another*year.

02-04-2011, 09:21 PM
Souns like fun and games!!! glad its not as bad though x

02-04-2011, 09:22 PM
That's a relief Velvet. Thank goodness! :-) I've a soft spot for your Katie for some reason (possibly cause we share a name!) so am really pleased to hear this. :-D

02-04-2011, 09:31 PM
oh that's encouraging news :) Let's hope that the new drug can help her x

02-04-2011, 09:56 PM
im really glad to hear some good news about katie, wishing her all the best

02-04-2011, 11:16 PM
That is good news Helen, quite a few options there.
Fingers crossed the first drug helps Katie.
Sounds like a very eventful ride home.

03-04-2011, 12:09 AM
Pleased the vet was able to suggest a few different options.

03-04-2011, 09:09 PM
Glad to hear you have some options for Katie and sorry things are so tough at the moment.
Out of interest, how old is Katie?

03-04-2011, 11:46 PM
Glad to hear you have some options for Katie and sorry things are so tough at the moment.
Out of interest, how old is Katie?

Katie is just 6.

I was just saying today that in different cirvumstances if someone told me my dog was incontinent, i would find that upsetting but when you are living with a dog that has renal disease, the incontinence seems so trivial!

Im not sure the Propalin is agreeing with her, she has flatuence tonight, our dogs never have it. Give it a few more days & see how it goes.