View Full Version : Leia

01-04-2011, 04:15 PM
Either Carolyn has found an identical twin to her, or she has had a personality transplant. Leia is a quiet, rather sedentary cat and not a talky one, as I've often mentioned. Well, she's settled in marvellously, far more active than she ever was at home, and talking up a storm .... so unlike her!

She completely ignored me when I got here; I assumed she was mad at being abandoned for two days alone in my house with just Christopher coming in to feed her till Carolyn picked her up. But then it dawned on me it was probably the human equivalent of the dreaded vet smell!! Only probably worse, as I'm bigger and had been in hospital longer so I probably reeked to her sensitive nose ........ she would sniff at me then wrinkle her nose and back off ....

And she is still sleeping with Carolyn at night, not me! I am jealous!! :roll: Cata are pra

01-04-2011, 04:18 PM
Oh Eileen! Poor Leia, but at the same time, poor you! Of course you'd rather she sleep with you, she's your cat, and you've missed her while you're away. But if it's just that vet smell thing, it'll take time and it will go away. Hopefully not to be too effected by your other trips 'in'.

Amazing how differently she is behaving in such a different environment though! *hugs*

01-04-2011, 04:23 PM
I bet you're right - you don't smell like you at the moment, but of hospital! So sad though for you just when you'd like her to be a comfort. Kizzy and Pip send comforting purrrs and head rubs in loco Leia!

01-04-2011, 04:25 PM
She was chasing a ball last night for quite a long time! I'm sitting there gaping ... she ignores balls at home! I'd say she's adapted amazingly well to a changed environment, and of course pleasing the food giver is an excellent tactic from the catty viewpoint ... she does the "poor starving cat" face for Carolyn, and it has worked ocvcasionally.

01-04-2011, 04:27 PM
:lol: In some ways it must be brilliant to watch, even as you try to reconcile that to the cat you know!

Poor starving cat my foot!!! ;)

Leia's at it! *sends her ear rubs and tummy tickles*

01-04-2011, 04:47 PM
Poor you - being twinned with a 'vet smell'! Cats are such an enigma aren't they. Never do what you expect and never do what you want - no wonder they have fascinated us simple humans for so long.

At least you have not had to worry about her starving herself - despite that poor 'feed me' face.

cats' staff
01-04-2011, 05:09 PM
I'm glad you are back with her and I'm sure the 'vet' smell will soon wear off and she'll be purring with you again. Ours are always 'off' with us after our holiday. My parents move in to cat sit and they are spoiled rotten but they won't settle with us for a couple of days.

01-04-2011, 05:46 PM
Oh, Leia!!! You silly thing!
Suprising yet at the same time makes sense. Cats are wonderful at changing at any odd whim, aren't they? This is why I have three, better odds at least one of them will like me when I'd like a cuddle :lol: :wink:
I'm sure she'll settle like the others said.

01-04-2011, 08:08 PM
Carolyn has laundered the clothes I was wearing; that and a shower should make me smell more like me, we shall see; cats are so funny. I'm having great difficulty adjusting to the fact that she's so active; a new environment has jump-started her! She was never an active cat when younger; her birthday was March 25th while I was in hpspital ... she's 12 now.

01-04-2011, 08:18 PM
It's very interesting, Leia's increased activity .... wouldn't it be good if she could tell us why?

01-04-2011, 08:28 PM
great to hear Leia has been ok whilst you have been in hospital

01-04-2011, 08:36 PM
She's happy as a clam and probably would be delighted to stay ... she and Carolyn have really bonded. :D

Cats hate closed doors, and Leia's new ambition is to leave the apartment and investigate what's outside in the hall corridor .... NOT gonna' happen! :mrgreen:

01-04-2011, 08:39 PM
:lol: Oh Leia!!! That particular closed door will just have to remain closed missy! :-D

01-04-2011, 09:05 PM
I wonder if the reason for her "jump start" is the new smells new surrounding/enviroment.........she is safe and maybe a little "safety zone" rut at home she knows where everything is and will be with Carolyns its new everything..........and has maybe like a human saying"change is as good as a rest" is right for Leia.

And maybe the sleeping with Carolyn is purely due to the fact she recognises Carolyn from her visits to your home an
she sleeps with her because she was safe. In your absence., Carolyn is her safety banket ;) you of course are her World :)

01-04-2011, 09:07 PM
Sounds like she is a bit miffed you left her, bt she will be back to normal soon...

01-04-2011, 10:44 PM
I'm just pleased she has settled in with Carolyn so well while you have been away, Eileen .......... you can relax now knowing that you have nothing to worry about with Leia and concentrate on getting your self well.

Are you sure Carolyn hasn't been popping pep pills in her food? ;):lol:

01-04-2011, 11:12 PM
ah bless her, at least you know shes well looked after. Hugs to you both xx

01-04-2011, 11:28 PM
awww im sure she missed you rotten, maybe she is in a little huff, she'l be back curled up with you in no time!

02-04-2011, 12:44 PM
Leia is a little monkey isnt she :roll: I think they go out of the way to make a liar out of you sometimes!!

Glad shes not stressed out with the change though. And yes I think you're right about the smell she doesnt think its the real you, you sound like you but dont smell like you and she is probably confused. Sounds like she is bonding with her 'rescuer' The lady in the cattery used to aks me to let OH pick Denis up so they would bond better as he will see him as his rescuer

02-04-2011, 03:26 PM
LOL,still being ignored! After dinner we were sitting in the living room watching the news; Leia came ans sat with Carolyn .... e gads, I am a non-person!! :mrgreen:

02-04-2011, 03:28 PM
:lol: I've never known anything less like a non-person Eileen!!!

*hugs* Whether it's 'vet' smell, or in the black books, or what, I hope she gets over it soon for yuo.


02-04-2011, 04:49 PM
I bet she thinks she's paying you back for leaving her ..... she's not to know you had no choice.

02-04-2011, 05:03 PM
Cats, who'd have 'em :D I'm sure once you've thoroughly de-hospitalised yourself that she'll be back to normal Eileen xx