View Full Version : Everyday LOL cats

05-01-2011, 08:47 AM
What are those little things that your cats do that make you LOL? You know, those special little quirks that give you a chuckle every day?

With Ninja, its the way that he carries his tail. You know how when cat is very confident or dominant, he will carry his tail straight up in the air. Ninja does this in overkill mode. When he's excited (like at feeding time) he carries his tail so far up over his back that the tip will tickle his ears sometimes which makes him jump and look around. I crack up every time!!!

In addition to his arrogant tail carriage, he's quite vain. He will sit on the bathroom counter and gaze at himself in the mirror. He also does this every day. He's just enamored with himself. LOL!

With Sully, bless him, he's just so cute. He's my little fraidy cat and gets spooked from time to time. When this happen, he puffs up all his fur but especially his tail. I know that this is meant to be intimidating but it just makes him look so freaking adorable! I have to pick him up and cuddle my little puffed up kitty and laugh at his attempt to look all rough and tough. LOL!

What do your kitties do to keep you in stitches?

05-01-2011, 12:19 PM
"he carries his tail so far up over his back that the tip will tickle his ears sometimes which makes him jump and look around. I crack up every time!!!"

That had me chuckle too.

With Izzi I love the way she chirrups at anything new or interesting while cocking an ear to it. Love the way she is just soooo pleased to see you in the morning she almost chokes on the dribble she is making whilst purring in overdrive. Also when she walks right up me to give me a not so gentle chin bumpp then sits back and looks at me as if I was the cause of that sore head.

Breagh will also walk right up your body but then does a circuit right round my shoulders and nibbles my nose. I love how she stretches right out as long as she can be and often catches sight of her tail then, as it twitches, she leaps away from it as if it is an alien being in her space.

There are loads of wee things they do but basically I am just so pleased to have them here that I smile everytime I see them.

05-01-2011, 12:37 PM
Your posts, Kobster and CM have me sitting here smiling like the Cheshire Cat!!!

Kizzy is a very girly girl and when we greet her and say "Hello Kizzy", she does a sidle with her head down or rubbing against whatever she's nearest to. It's like she's embarrassed! She also does the puffed up tail, but she does it not only if she's alarmed but also when she's feeling affectionate. This is mainly when I'm here on the computer and she will walk up and down in front of me, sometimes on the keyboard, then she'll bump my face with her head and she also likes to nibble my nose! Must be a female thing! When she comes in to see us, she chirrups her "Hello, I'm here!"

Pip has a very endearing little grunt. He will sit and raise his front legs and rub his head against my hand. Not so much a LOL moment as an Awwwwww one!

Their actions speak volumes IMO.

CM - I am so glad you have those two sweeties!

05-01-2011, 03:26 PM
Watching both Tom and Jerry with catnip makes me laugh, they both play realy well when they have been given some.
Tom also makes me laugh when he dashes up the hall and leaps at the architraves, after imaginary creatures.
The best time was when he was feeling frisky and waved his paws around, resulting in him getting his claw from his front paw rather bizzarley stuck in his head. I know i shouldn't laugh but it still makes me smile.

05-01-2011, 05:25 PM
I'm smiling at those stories! Leia has the most endearing way of flopping down when she wants a tummy rub, lying there with her paws curled over her chest with an "aren't I the cutest thing?" expression, knowing no one could resist that spotty tummy!!

05-01-2011, 10:02 PM
Dylan's obsessed with his tail :lol: (he doesn't know it's his so he'll beat it up when it moves) :lol:

05-01-2011, 11:27 PM
Cloud does a sort of roll - sometimes looks like a forwards one, but more often than not it's sideways - and lands her off of the beanbag onto the floor!

I also love her obsession with the cat looking back at her in the mirror... which still continues on...

Her brother has an amusing habit of fighting with other cats through the window...

06-01-2011, 11:44 AM
Love these stories! Makes me smile thinking of all these adorable kitties who are so loved!