View Full Version : Fare thee well Harley

20-12-2010, 03:06 PM
I took Harley to our local rescue centre this morning. I found leaving him there very hard and it wasn't helped by the fact that it was bitterly cold and sleeting.

I said to the man that Harley would be happy on a farm, or at a stable or a smallholding but he was upbeat and said he thought they could find him somewhere better than that ..... I can only hope and trust that someone finds him irresistible and falls in love with him.

This only goes to reinforce my support for our Catsey article or Charter or whatever it may be. Indiscriminate breeding must be reduced. Taking a cat to a rescue is NOT an easy option - not for the cat, nor for the person leaving a cat there.

http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc44/angieh_bucket/Harley%20alias%20Squiffy/P1030764.jpgFare well Harley, may the Great Cat smile on you.

As you can imagine, I have had a few tears since but I look at Kizzy and Pip and think that they will not have to be bullied any longer. I know that I have done the best for him, getting him neutered with CP help and looking after him for six months but I still feel guilty.

20-12-2010, 03:13 PM
Oh dear angie, hope Harley finds a loving home soon.

20-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Angie, you have done what is right and yes, the tears will be there as for every parting but I'm sure Harley will have benefited from your loving care. Chin up lovely, you have good ( & sometimes not so good ) memories but you can rest assured he is safe and warm now. :)

20-12-2010, 05:41 PM
I would have cried too, Angie. You did your loving best for him, but the bullying just wasn't fair for Kizzy and Pip; he's such a handsome boy I'm sure someone will give him a loving home where he can be the only cat. The Great Cat must have added a star to your crown for all you did to help him. (((hugs)))

20-12-2010, 06:03 PM
I feel terribly for you. And wish I could have helped more but what can you do Harley was determined to be a one home cat and if he needed to bully the others to get that so be it. Of course you/we have no idea of his background but some cats are that way inclined. You did the very best for him and the chap form the rescue sounds right to me like you and Kizzy some people prefer adult cats. What goes aroud comes around and your homed Kizzy and someone will hoem Harley.
Lets hope he's homed far enough away from you that Pip and Kizzy will be safe. ;)

20-12-2010, 06:12 PM
What you did for Harley was amazing Angie. Many people would have turned their backs on him.
Well done and vibes sent to Harley to wish he finds a suitable new home soon.

20-12-2010, 06:21 PM
Thanks so much folks - you are making me feel better. Kizzy and Pip are very relaxed and perhaps after a while will get rid of the nervous "tick" when they stick their heads outdoors!

20-12-2010, 07:34 PM
aww that must have been so awful for you leaving him there, but as said, you did your absolute best for him, and it just wasnt working out with him and your two kitties. im sure he'l find a happy home soon :)

20-12-2010, 08:41 PM
Mixed emotions indeed. I can only echo all the above. Harley has to be allowed to be an only cat and relax. Kizzy and Pip deserve to be your cats and be back to their usual relaxed selves.

You did the absolute best for all. ((hugs))

CM xx

20-12-2010, 09:14 PM
Hoping Harley gets his new home soon.....

20-12-2010, 09:27 PM
Aww, I'm sorry dear. You really did so much for him though, otherwise he might have died of some illness or been a feral creating more kittens or died in the cold..who knows what could have happened? You did a Good Thing and no one could look down on you for that, we cannot save them all unfortunately but you have given him a fighting chance!

cats' staff
20-12-2010, 09:58 PM
Bless you Angie, you took him in and cared for him, gave him a safe place and now have taken him to a rescue who will find him a lovely home which suits him as an 'only'. You managed to do the best for all three and that was quite some feat!

21-12-2010, 02:14 AM
Hugs. xx

21-12-2010, 07:47 PM
Sorry to hear that you had to let Harley go - must have been hard. But yes, it was absolutely the best thing to do for everyone, and though it is sad, you know that you did all you could for him. :)

22-12-2010, 10:04 PM
Who could resist that wee face! Al bet he gets a home, and soon!