View Full Version : Super sunny Sunday

24-10-2010, 11:07 AM
Morning all,
very nice and sunny here, cold though.
Off on a new Dog walk today, check in later.
Have a nice day everyone.

24-10-2010, 11:20 AM
Morning all.

Spending today looking online for Christmas presents for the family.

Have a good one everybody!

24-10-2010, 11:38 AM
It's very sunny here too today, but very chilly!

Have a nice day :)

24-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Hi all - yes sunny and chilly here too. Looks lovely outside.

Our supper last night went very well and the casserole was very tasty. We did try out some of the not quite full bottles of fruit spirit that have only had a few weeks standing. They do promise to be very lovely and were actually quite drinkable as they were. One of our friends was a little the worse for wear when they left - luckily his wife, the driver, doesn't drink alcohol so they were safe to go home but I suspect at least one heavy head this morning. We are all fine.

I am just having a cup of coffee and then will be going out to an art exhibition - a neighbour is a member of a group just outside Petworth. Last day today, so must make an effort to go along. Nice day for a drive.

Will pop in again later. Have a good day everyone - stay warm!

24-10-2010, 01:10 PM
Hi all - Cold, dry and sunny here so been finishing off some outside tasks.

Hope you enjoy your walk Shelley, EmmaG - I'm ignoring your post (can't contemplate the c*******s task yet!)

Angieh - enjoy the art exhibition.

I'm in warming up, having lunch and watching the Old Firm game on TV (Rangers/Celtic footie)

24-10-2010, 02:45 PM
Crumbs but my feet are killing me! What a fantastic day we had yesterday at our son David's wedding to Sarah. Absolutely perfect day, weather ok and no hitches of any sort at all. The young folk were still dancing when we left them at midnight, I vaguely remember when I had that sort of stamina too! There will be some photos to view in a while but we didn't take any ourselves, much too busy!,great catching up with scattered family members and comparing ever-expanding waistlines and grey hair!!

Came home today to find Jason had thrown up rather spectacularly on a bedroom floor, I think the greedy guts took too much advantage af extra food being left out for them. We're just off to go and collect Morgan who is going to be silly excited to see us again, hope he behaved himself at the doggy boarder's :roll:

24-10-2010, 02:52 PM
Glad the day went well, Mrs H, always a good time to reunite with old family members and friends :) Sorry Jason left you a pressie though :roll:

Cold and bright here but I'm not able to take advantage of the dry weather as I'm aching and have a barbed wire throat. Dosing up on the VitC and orange, salt mouthwashes and panadol. I joined Curves and my first session is Tuesday- have to be ok for then. My SIL is in hospital with suspected viral meningitis, so I'm not self-pitying and making myself better by PMA. Wish me luck ;)

24-10-2010, 03:44 PM
MrsH , so pleased the wedding went well.
Congratulations to David and Sarah, may they be very happy together.
PP sorry to hear you have a soar throat :(
Emma how could you say the C word , arrgggghhhhhh
Angie , pleased you had a lovely evening.
Hello Jane and CM.
Eileen where are you ?,lol

24-10-2010, 03:56 PM
CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS - there I said the C word again!!!!! and again!!! and again!!!! LOL under 2 months now folks!!! LOL

Glad your Son's wedding went well MrsH - looking forward to seeing some pictures.

24-10-2010, 04:23 PM
Hi Shelley et al! I'm on time, remember the 5 hour difference!

Sunny and warming up finally: 17 C (62 F), and will make about 23 C by afternoon!! About time, has been below normal for days. Didn't need to go to the market so just pottered and made a jar of pickled beets; exciting morning :roll:

MrsH, delighted the weather was so great for the wedding! Angie, enjoy the exhibit, glad the dinner went well and that the booze is maturing nicely. PP, hope you're feeling better soon, keep up the Vitamin C. Emma, nyah, nyah using the C word this early!! CM, enjoy the footie.

Keep well, all.....

24-10-2010, 04:52 PM
CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS - there I said the C word again!!!!! and again!!! and again!!!! LOL under 2 months now folks!!! LOL

:shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

24-10-2010, 04:53 PM
Eileen, Malaika says "Can she please have some of those pickled Beets ?" She loves them

24-10-2010, 04:58 PM
:shock: I never knew a dog would eat something like that? She'd be welcome to some if she weren't too far away. Talk about odd tastes: Leia eating popcorn, now Malaika eating pickled beets. They can alwqays surprise us .....

24-10-2010, 06:40 PM
Mrs H .....So pleased the wedding went well I was sure it would but the relief must be immense when its all gone well.

Its .......almost....... C...H...R...I...S...T...M...A...S. :) :)

24-10-2010, 06:45 PM
I must be dislexic, I read this thread as Super Nanny Sunday, and wondered what the hell all that was about:oops: :lol:
Kazz, dont wanna hear any more Xmas talk until December, bah humbug!!!!;)
Had a lovely day out with some friends, their rotty, me and ofcourse little Rayne. We went out to the Glentanner estate and had a lovely long walk along the river esk. Then, as we had prepared, we had snacks and tea back at the car park. Rayne is fast asleep after an early tea and I'm almost ready for bed too.

24-10-2010, 07:11 PM
CHRISTMAS!!! I said it too!! Bahahaha :-D :-D :lol:
Cloudy and overcast but still haven't seen much of this big storm they predicted *knock on wood*
Sweater and socks and fireplace on..kitties are warming themselves after a breakfast of quail.
I think I will be sticking at home if I can. Got two medical appointments coming this week so maybe I can round it out with some pottering at home.
K has promised me the bedroom will be done by Tuesday but I'm not sure about that deadline as we both fell asleep last night rather than finish off the paint :oops:
Have a good day, all.

24-10-2010, 07:20 PM
Hi everyone again. I had a good trip to the art exhibition, guided by Patrick Stewart sound-alike on OH's satnav (which I've not used before). Got there safely even though it told me to initiate docking procedure before I got to the venue. Lovely exhibition - although I am re-evaluating my art appreciation as I type. My neighbour was there and was glad to see me, so that in itself was worth the trip as she is a very nice woman. Came home safely without Capt Pickard, who had outlived his usefulness. I can see how wonderful satnav is generally, especially in urban areas - in rural areas it does have it's drawbacks.

Watched the 2nd part of The Pillars of the Earth that I had recorded from last night. Is it my imagination, or has the storyline changed fairly significantly??????

It was almost dark but Pip was nowhere to be seen. Went outside with a bag of Dreamies, shook the bag, called "Pip, Pip, Pippety-Pip!" and he came running home. Dear good little catlet. Plenty of praise and a few treats. What a good boy!

I have had Steph and Jenny on my mind most of the day. God and Gaia bless them both.

24-10-2010, 08:06 PM
Tink and Kazz, enough with the C word, please, bah humbug!! :mrgreen: Glad the storm's been overhyped so far, Tink, hope it stays that way. Good luck with the painting. Angie, Pip is a really GOOD boy! Steph and Jenny have been in my thoughts today also, they were such a close couple. I'm afraid this is terribly hard for him ... :(

24-10-2010, 08:46 PM
Well, here I am biting my tongue. It's not storming yet though there is a bit of a breeze in the trees but my lot have all officially gone bonkers.
Since I typed my last message, cats have been meowing and hanging from objects vertically..ferrets have been bouncing off the walls and taking flying leaps off things..dogs have gone insane and started chasing their tails. Should I prepare for the apocalypse? :shock: :lol:
Naturally, K is sleeping quite soundly thru this all as always happens when the household goes insane and it'll be all peace and quiet when he does wake and he'll just think I'm out of my tree again :roll: :lol:

24-10-2010, 10:25 PM
Uh oh! Sounds as if they sense something coming! Apparently they're very sensitive to things like barometric pressure ... and we know they can foretell earthquakes!

K will probably sleep thru the Second Coming!! :mrgreen:

24-10-2010, 10:29 PM
K woke up for a minute and they were all silent as church mice..figures :roll: :lol: