View Full Version : A scare with happy ending

22-06-2010, 07:33 PM
Last night, K was painting a wooden stand he made for a tank in the living room. I had the girls in the bedroom with the ferrets per usual and it was getting late so put the ferrets back in their cage for bed and opened the bedroom door to let cats and dogs wander at their will. Sat down and started watching a series I've been catching up on lately. About half an hour goes by as K is napping peacefully and I am wrapped up in my show. He gets up to use the restroom and comes back saying "You know the door to the backyard is wide open, right?" UHM NO, I did not know that! Apparently he had the door open while he was painting and thought I would figure that one out.
So I run and put my boots on with my pajamas and K has already found Kuan Yin and she is bouncing around very pleased with herself and ran back into the house of her own accord once I cleared the dogs out of the way. I sat outside calling for Hestia and walking around for awhile. At least I know she has come back before but still not very happy about it. Went back in the bedroom to take my nightly pills and pouted for awhile. About an hour later Hestia wanders out from under the bed, apparently she had been sleeping there the whole time! :lol:
Kuan Yin has little black marks on her face from sniffing around in the bonfire pile but is otherwise fine.

22-06-2010, 08:25 PM
OMG!! :shock: Thank heaven Hestia slept thru the chance to go walkabout again, and that the naughty one came in by herself! I think maybe you want to invest in a screen door! :D